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18 days ago Feb 13,2025, 14:01:06 PM

Achilles Update

15 949 Views

Hey everyone!

After a couple of weeks in the beta branch, we are ready to release Achilles Update 🎉

It will arrive shortly to EGS and MS (in the process of verification)


The goal of this update is to address some of the frustrations that players encountered and expressed regarding War Support,  War Score, and Surrender. 

We want to avoid players feeling surprised by a warm ending with little warning and create a clearer connection between demands, occupied territory, and available surrender terms. 

Here are some comments from the devs regarding the update:

​Let's start with a bit of context on the War System in general before moving to the changes.

When we first starting thinking about armed conflict during the initial development of Humankind, we mostly followed the Clausewitzian saying that held that "War is a continuation of Policy through other means". There were many interactions with what had happened before and during conflict, and a big resolution at the end where one of the sides was forced to surrender. While this approach worked well enough after release, we kept getting feedbacks that said that players were often puzzled as to why a war they were fighting had to end. Often, this boiled down to the War Support system not making enough room to account for all the subtleties of strategic context that may unfold during a war in Humankind. After smaller changes brought during past updates failed to resolve all situations, we decided to make a more drastic modification.

With the update we are separating the 2 aspects, War Support and War Score. 

War Support, which used to being considered as your "War HP", is now meant to be your " War Stamina": it measures how long you can fight before the conflict starts taking its toll on your Empire's Population. Now, both sides can keep fighting after reaching a War Support of 0. It is the social consequences of continuing to fight beyond this point that should drive Players to make or accept a surrender proposal.

War Score has also been simplified to be solely related to your Demands and territorial gains during the conflict. Its calculation should be less finicky and more predictable for both sides.

Our hope is that these changes go towards having War outcomes that both sides agree with. At the end, its about giving you more control on the decision.

P.S There's always the option of proposing a White Peace 💡

Patch Notes

[Version Number >> 1.28.4612]

  • All surrender proposals can be refused now, even if you are at 0 war support 


  • Both parties reaching 0 War Support no longer forces White Peace 

  • While at 0 War Support, empires take a Stability penalty scaling with era and number of turns spent without War Support 

  • While their enemy is ready to surrender (at 0 War Support), empires will take a penalty to their own War Support 

  • Centralized Power unlocks an empire bonus that reduces the impact of lost and destroyed units on war support, so wars can last longer

    Centralized Power Bonus.png

  • War Score now only depends on demands and occupied territory, not War Support 

  • You can now always declare surprise wars 

  • (Together We Rule) The Placate action is now forbidden during war 

  • Corrected the buyout formula to avoid inflation 

  • Several new historical personas: Zenobia, Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, Napoleon, Shaka Zulu, Artemisa, and Alexander The Great.


Then after some feedback we received from the community, we included a couple of extra changes ✨

  • Added a -10% Food, Industry, Money, and Science War Weariness penalty on all Settlements for each refused Surrender while at 0 War Support.
  • Reinstated a one-time +10 War Support bump whenever an opponent that is at 0 War Support refuses a Surrender offer.
  • Reduced the "My Opponent is at 0 War Support" War support penalty scale to a maximum of -5/turn
  • Forbidden City Balance to be adjusted with the changes in War Support
    •  Now gives +25% War Score (instead of -10 War Support required to declare a Surprise War)
  • Hotfix (v1.0.28.4623)
    • Fix for AIs not advancing out of the neolithic
    • Fix for AI not surrendering*
      • *An edge case still exists for AI not surrendering: If you are both at 0 war support, and the AI have the To The End trait, they may still refuse. If you manage to briefly push above 0 war support, for example through winning a battle, they will accept.
    • Fixed The Other Capital Punishment civic still giving stability on exploitations
    • Fixed a localization error with the Force Surrender button


With these changes, you can keep fighting even if your enemy or your own people are ready to give up. You may have to deal with a few rebels if you push things too far, though 😉

Also, here is a video (from Amplified 2025) from the Devs talking about the details and explanation regarding the update.

Have a nice day ^-^

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18 days ago
Feb 13, 2025, 5:14:23 PM

Thanks for the sick war update. After trying out civ7, it just made me want to play Humankind more. 💪

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18 days ago
Feb 13, 2025, 5:56:53 PM

 this is nice. I normally didn't like to completely annihilate the enemy so this doesn't really affect me, but sometime I do want to just push a little further before ending the war, this is really nice

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18 days ago
Feb 13, 2025, 6:17:14 PM

BurritoBandito wrote:

When is this released for the Epic Games version?

Whenever EGS accepts the update, seems like, according to Discord.

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18 days ago
Feb 13, 2025, 10:13:33 PM

Hello guys ! I

I have a question regarding war score when I capture a city, I receive 25 points per territory, and it costs me 25 points to reclaim 1 territory. If I capture a city with 35 territories, for example, will I be able to reclaim all 35 territories at once?

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17 days ago
Feb 14, 2025, 9:30:28 AM

BurritoBandito wrote:

When is this released for the Epic Games version?

It is in the verification process. Hopefully next week.

Skull-Koopa wrote:

Hello guys ! I

I have a question regarding war score when I capture a city, I receive 25 points per territory, and it costs me 25 points to reclaim 1 territory. If I capture a city with 35 territories, for example, will I be able to reclaim all 35 territories at once?


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17 days ago
Feb 15, 2025, 1:11:42 AM

Can you please bring more historical personas like Napoleon and Alexander the Great? Like Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan. It's much more memorable and enjoyable to play against them.​

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16 days ago
Feb 15, 2025, 7:41:15 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

Skull-Koopa wrote:

Hello guys ! I

I have a question regarding war score when I capture a city, I receive 25 points per territory, and it costs me 25 points to reclaim 1 territory. If I capture a city with 35 territories, for example, will I be able to reclaim all 35 territories at once?


Now that confuses me. Territories and cities costing as much in war score to claim as they give from holding implies that we are typically (always?) able to keep everything we conquer in a war? If that's true, then that would be a big departure from the previous design philosophy. And also somewhat devalue demands as a source of war score, because then they'd only ever result in additional monetary compensation or - if enough of it - vassalage.

Though maybe cost and gain for cities is different from territories?

I don't think there is anything you can gain in a forced surrender other than territories, vassalage, and money, is there? In theory maybe some political changes, like adoption of religion, acceptance of treaties or third-party diplomatic relations. But not sure and I don't think I have encountered it.

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15 days ago
Feb 16, 2025, 10:47:09 PM

Hello. I was wondering if this would come to EGS before the weekend? I had some friends ready to play the game last weekend. We were really excited but then we couldn't play as some of us where on Steam and some on EGS. We are hoping to try this weekend, but the patch needs to come to the EGS version for that to happen.

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13 days ago
Feb 18, 2025, 3:32:26 PM


Hello. I was wondering if this would come to EGS before the weekend? I had some friends ready to play the game last weekend. We were really excited but then we couldn't play as some of us where on Steam and some on EGS. We are hoping to try this weekend, but the patch needs to come to the EGS version for that to happen.

Hey, those of you who are on steam can revert to 1.27 while you all wait for 1.28 to hit egs!

Updated 13 days ago.
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13 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 12:28:30 AM

Just finished a game in humankind difficulty trying the full on military victory.

I really like the new system, it makes sense to be able to capture and integrate cities you have captured by having the exact points of the territory. The change in war support also worked great : I took the hittites and was usually tempted to drag on the war to keep the cities occupied and have the bonus for my cities, but at some point it became too much and had to force surrender. The other way around also works, although I was lucky and tactician enough to not be in a bad situation. The fact both points and support and decorrelated is a wonderful idea and worked fully for me. Had a lot of fun.

PS : I also love having more personas, sun tzu is an especially difficult character to deal with. Alexander the great felt underwhelming in my particular game. Weng shei (don't remember the exact name) was also an influence / wonder threat I had to deal this quickly. Overall it is really nice to have a bigger number of personalities to draw from, a random game really feels random (especially in humankind difficulty where half of them are not selected).

Updated 13 days ago.
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11 days ago
Feb 20, 2025, 4:24:28 PM

BurritoBandito wrote:

When is this released for the Epic Games version?

it released today on epic

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11 days ago
Feb 20, 2025, 6:23:42 PM

​Dear developers, I don't know how other friends think but my opinion is that it is very nice that you always care about the same game and Humankind should continue as a single game by constantly developing in this way. Definitely do not think and do not try to make Humankind 2. Just bring innovations and updates to it. If necessary, bring many DLCs and let's continue by purchasing them but I do not want Humankind 2 because we see in other games that a game is worse than the previous game every time and the current Civilization 7 is an example of this and it is getting worse. For this reason, Humankind should remain as 1, we do not want 2 or 3 or 4. I wrote this using translation, sorry if there are mistakes.

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6 days ago
Feb 25, 2025, 12:55:45 PM
What a shame for developers and Microsoft. 12 days, no update on Xbox (PC). It is making me sad

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