Summer Heat contest turned out to be pretty intensive min-maxing scenario. At start was wondering if score above 30k would be even possible to hit. I'm glad of my 33k number. However during play and lurking forum, there appeared some scores of above 40k.. Unbelievable!

My starting expansion was to the south. I really like naval games. For half a game sea resources was my most important source of food (and horse deals of course). Wonders on the west up to Yellowstone fields were grabbed by me instantly. I have managed to win early wars with the strongest opponent on the east - Harappans. Took his big cities then expanded religion through them to further nations. In the middle of the game my religion was number one. So was influence.. Snowballed much. Hit all yellow stars in 120 turns. After that the game was boring EOT clicking to reach the end of scenario. Was fun but exhausting and satisfying from final result.

Egyptians > Maya > Ghanaians > Edo Japanese > French > French

summer-heat 150.ctr

Waiting for more contests. Ibn Battuta update and this scenario bring me back to Humankind after half year break.