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Score: 47,311 fame

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2 years ago
Jul 24, 2022, 1:53:37 PM

I went with the Influence civ + trasncend all the way + Cultural Respect. Went with map sharing in the beggining to get as much wonder first sight as possible, andI tryed to attack my neighbour as soon as they claimed a wonder in order to stole it before they finish it.

It's not perfect, but it's getting close ^^. I could have gain a bit more fame by activating Cultural Respect a bit earlier, I didn't manage to build all the wonders ( greedy me ^^) I also miss the first wonder and a discovery. And to that you can add the deeds that seems to never trigger (influence/exploration of continent mainly).
So I don't think it's possible to go over 49k. ( It could be done with the DLC cultural wonder though ^^ )

Despite not being able to settle on the tiny island with Coal, I somehow got the Coast to coast deeds ( conquer the continent) after wiping out all the IA. It triggered only when I wiped them out, right before that they were all my vassal and it didn't, so it seems that the territory of your vassal doesn't get registered for the deed.
So i get the conquest but not the influence one despite having wipe everyone and settled everything that I could. So either the continent definition is not the same for influence and conquest,( the tiny island with coal could be the difference between the two) or the mechanism for influence is not explicit. Either way it's not good =(.

I managed to uncover all the map around the medieval area, except for the two spot that were fully inside a moutain. I manage to revelead them with planes.( I wanted to get rid of the first with the machu pichu, but then I found a second one , And the IA picked the machu pichu before me anyway ... ) I am guessing that's the reason why I didn't manage to get this deeds, but in fairness I don't recall getting it in all my other games.

Concerning the event in itself, it was a nice one.
- Having the same save allow an equal playing field. And it also avoid schenanigans with RNG at games start, and issue with configuration being different ( like the size map and pollution threshold from last time ^^ )
- not having this damn FOMO triggered was nice ^^. But I personnaly like 3 to 4 weeks event. With 2 weeks, if you miss one week-end due to IRL reason, you have to cram it all in one week-end. and a game of humankind can be long sometimes especially if you are trying to squeze every turn for maximum profit. 30min turn are not unheard of when you are micromanaging a bunch of armies in order to quickly conquer the world, especially if you manual the battle, and you got 150 turn to do. That being said, having time pressure inside the game could be fun (like a 3h challenge ^^ )
- you will need to be creative with the ruleset in the future, because for maximum fame, Olmec/Zhou + Transcend + Cultural Respect is unbeatable . ( In this setup, the third star of the contemporary era alone is over 1k fame.)
- Concerning the ruleset, I know from experience that resources in a games studio can be tight. But some quick Quality Control check on the part that will be the core of the ruleset doesn't hurt. Survival bias may be in action here but last time the ruleset was on the polution threshold, we found a bug in it. now the ruleset focus on fame => lot of complaint about the deeds and stolen unfinished wonder sometimes unconstructible ( like St Basil in my game) .
I work in QA, so I am well aware of what can get past us ^^. especially in a complex system as Humankind can be. That being said having a bug on something that is core to a ruleset can be very upsetting for fairness reason. Or for time wasting reason, e.g. You go on a specific direction in your game, and you realize that an issue make all your effort meaningless.not the best feeling.( I wasn't in a good mood when I discovered this small unsettleable island in the map XD )
- Don't make all the future contest about scoring ( easier said than done, I know ^^ ). I love min-maxing but I can find that in other games too, Humankind is the first 4X game where I routinely make sub-optimal choice because placing a district in a certain place look cool, event though it could have been better place elswhere. ( Founding your first city on top of a nice land feature for example)

Thank you and I am looking forward to the next one ;).

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2 years ago
Jul 24, 2022, 2:29:52 PM

And there it is, knew it was possible to beat my score, was just waiting for someone to do it. And yeah, with such easy bots there was only 2 choices for culture, and then transcend the whole game, so gets rid of practically any variety in the runs, would definitely be interested in some challenges not around solely fame. Humankind bots and who can kill all the bots the quickest? Highest total yields in a city at end game? Following a certain culture path challenge? Idk, the pollution one imo was amazing, was really upset on how short it was, only got to do 2 playthroughs of it before event ended

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2 years ago
Jul 24, 2022, 3:33:35 PM

I do agree, also worked as QA and I have noticed those flaws, regarding deeds and map...

and I hope Diplomacy DLC comes soon, because right now war is the answer most of the time, and not every player likes that

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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2022, 12:07:09 PM
Nightmare_Dusk wrote:

And there it is, knew it was possible to beat my score, was just waiting for someone to do it. And yeah, with such easy bots there was only 2 choices for culture, and then transcend the whole game, so gets rid of practically any variety in the runs, would definitely be interested in some challenges not around solely fame. Humankind bots and who can kill all the bots the quickest? Highest total yields in a city at end game? Following a certain culture path challenge? Idk, the pollution one imo was amazing, was really upset on how short it was, only got to do 2 playthroughs of it before event ended

We've got a bunch of ideas for different scenarios and different win conditions in the future. We just wanted to keep it simple for this first one, so we could focus on identifying any (unexpected) issues with the current structure of using saves and the "contest" section for submissions.

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2 years ago
Jul 27, 2022, 6:53:50 AM
blackbutterfly wrote:

@Ekareya How come you built so many missile silos? Spammed them you could say.

you get some fame when you reach the threshold for polluting the earth. Spamming missile silo is the fastest way to achieve that.

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