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Fame 50,165 (Late Submission)

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2 years ago
Aug 4, 2022, 6:20:29 PM

(That's funny. Submission button was not available when I wanted post my results. I thought it was because I was late for deadline. Anyway, I'm just copying my previous post from General sub-forum to here as well. I hope it's OK?)


I couldn't have much time to play Humankind when this first scenario challenge event started and somehow I thought/remembered that the deadline for submissions was the end of the month. Apparently and unfortunately it turned out to be 27th July and I was late for submission. I'm posting my result here anyway, just for educational purposes.

Incidentally, just for the record and on the contrary to what many of us had expressed before, I think FoMo and being able to see duration of events in game menu is a good incentive for players to squeeze their schedule and force themselves to participate more readily in events.

At the end of this scenario I was able to earn 50,165 Fame but this is by no means the maximum you can get. There are some fame here and there I couldn't collect. If my rough calculations are correct I believe I still have 4,400 Fame more to earn.

  •  +600 Fame: I missed 6 wonders to build. 2 of those were lost to eternity due to landlocked AI empires claiming Lighthouse of Alexandria and Colossus of Rhodes. They were never able to build them and no one could claim those again. I still think wonder claims should generate a grievance and claimed but not started wonders can be obtained as war reparations; wonder claims held by eliminated AIs should also be transferred to the conqueror.

  • +900 Fame:  Although all of the known conditions of Foreign Customs civic was met, I just couldn't unlock Cultural Respect (+100% Fame per Aesthete Era Star) untill Medieval Era. Therefore I lost a potential of +600 to +1,200 Fame until Medieval.

  • +2,625 FameI was able to build all (105) Triumphal Arches during Victorious status. Base reward for a victorious Triumphal Arch is +50 Fame and it scales up with Fame multipliers as well. My mistake here was immediately building these through all eras. I should instead have waited until Contemporary Era to receive all Fame multipliers for transcending and Nuclear Disarmament civic which adds up to +50% Fame bonus. Total Fame you can get from all Triumphal Arches is 7,875. I roughly guess I'm missing 2,625 because of building some of these in earlier eras.

By the way, I have to tell that queueing system in city panel is a real pain to work with. Dragging items in city panels (construction queue and population allocation plan) has always been too laggy, inconsistent and buggy since the Closed Beta of Humankind but I think it has become even worse in Ibn Battuta Beta. I usually don't queue construction items so that I can micro-manage my cities. Therefore I never had to bother with this problematic UI design. In this campaign, however, I needed to prepare construction of Triumphal Arches by putting some industry in building queue, barely leaving out enough amount of industry not to finish construction but to make it ready to be completed in one turn in multiple quantities when city receives Victorious Status which basically last only 1 turn. (It technically lasts for 2 turns but you have to finish Triumphal Arch constructions in queue after first turn only otherwise you don't get the Fame bonus). I believe there should be a way to lock/freeze construction of items in queue and Fame bonus for Triumphal Arches should not be limited to being completed during Victorious Status only. It was really a pain to play through this UI limitation.

  •  +100 Fame: I missed discovering Mount Roraima and Yellowstone to other AI.

  •  +210 Fame: Map creation bugged again (I tried to find my own bug report for this same map generator issue in Bolivar Beta but apparently it was deleted or archived.) and deed for accessing every strategic and luxury resource: I conquered whole map and eliminated all other rival empires, however, due to one tile ocean territory which happens to host a strategic resource on it, I just couldn't build an outpost there and therefore couldn't technically get access to all resources.

  • +630 Fame : A Cultured Land, Ptolemy and No Stone Unturned deeds are also bugged and never unlocked for me.

I have to admit this campaign was the least fun game I've ever played in Humankind since Closed Beta. Gameplay oriented around maximizing Fame in limited number of turns dispelled all potential diversity and other enjoyable gameplay elements of Humankind campaigns; being have to fight against buggy and sluggish UI didn't help either. Some tweaks in construction queue system is definitely needed.

Save File: Turn 150 - Romans - Last Turn.ctr

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 7, 2022, 2:32:16 AM

This is more or less the run I intended to do, but I ran out of time. I think the key to the run is rushing Cultural Respect while starting a war in the Ancient, ending that war immediately after ascending to Romans, then just fighting constant small scale wars while transcending as Romans the rest of the game to keep the Victorious state active at all times.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 7, 2022, 4:11:01 PM

Delaying to unlock Cultural Respect costs lots of Fame indeed but you don't need to keep Victorious status throughout the game. You need to wait until Contemporary Era to get all fame bonus multipliers from transcending and +10% Fame bonus from Nuclear Disarmament. They all add up to +50% Fame bonus multiplier. Then you can build all Triumphal Arches while having victorious status. These Triumphal Arches can then earn you 7,875 Fame if you can build all 105 of them. As I tried to explain above 54K Fame is achievable even with bugged deeds.

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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 9:15:24 AM

Wow, well done man! A thought i had was instead of waiting till contemporary to build all your arches, can you get 50 fame for building one, then ransack it, then build it again for another 50 fame? Cause if so that's 50 fame in each territory every other turn (1 to build, 1 to ransack) with a few exceptions for faster when you have the money to buyout. If so, you could make an astronmical amount in comparison, but god that would be the most tedious and most boring game of humankind i've ever done. Congrats on beating the 50k fame thought limit!

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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 10:00:07 AM
Nightmare_Dusk wrote:

Wow, well done man! A thought i had was instead of waiting till contemporary to build all your arches, can you get 50 fame for building one, then ransack it, then build it again for another 50 fame? Cause if so that's 50 fame in each territory every other turn (1 to build, 1 to ransack) with a few exceptions for faster when you have the money to buyout. If so, you could make an astronmical amount in comparison, but god that would be the most tedious and most boring game of humankind i've ever done. Congrats on beating the 50k fame thought limit!

Oh, I forgot to try this. If ransacking-rebuilding Triumphal Arch over and over again grants you 50 Fame continuously one can indeed reach absurd amount of total fame. It is so tedious and boring, though, as you said.

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