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Adelitas T131

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2 years ago
Oct 18, 2022, 4:28:45 AM

First off, this run is indebted to Komodo and Nightmare's posts. I had about a hundred questions for the latter, but instead of shamelessly asking all of them I went ahead and reverse-engineered the save, optimizing the mid-game. Painful, tedious, sure. But, hey! No one ever died from wanting too much :)

When I first vassalized Black, they promptly came up with a mystery 1.6k of fame that put them back in first. The result was not pretty--ransacking the home continent while prioritizing a few more stars. There were a few "non-essentials" that worked in my favor: no Soviets, only two global conflicts before my push with neither directly involving my cities, and generous science from Osmosis Events. My only complaint was not getting one more territory in the initial land grab. There were no Independent Peoples on the starting continent, which I think factored into Green expanding a bit more.

Perhaps the little wisdom I can share is what the ideal Neolithic could look like in this scenario:

-At least 255 influence to claim four territories with enough remaining to declare war and do homage on the same turn

-Mammoths throwing themselves at you to snowball in population, net influence, and go coast to coast

-Meet an at least hesitant Red on the coast and do homage on T15

-Green does not pick Achaemenids (admittedly, hard to tell what factors into this)

-Ransacking/claiming Green's river territories/at least slowing Green down

-Accessible curiosities to shore up influence from the great hunt

-Ransacking outposts for gold/food

While obviously all of these together would require hard RNG, I can safely say from testing the Neolithic that each happens with some regularity (including two or more mammoths crowding your tribe). In this run, the limiting factor was meeting Red on T20, which necessitated waiting around on essentially an empty late Neolithic board for three turns. If anyone finds themselves with a Neolithic meeting the above, preferably with the river territories near Green settled, please share! It would level the playing field a fair bit.

And, of course, a big thank you to Amplitude for the challenge! It was pretty discouraging, but I had a good time figuring out creative optimizations.

Saxo T139.ctr

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Oct 20, 2022, 3:59:49 AM

I had too much fun thinking of a matriarchal autocracy bent on world domination. Turns out it's not a bad strategy, either! I guess people like us know how to survive.

Different path with Joseon into the Industrial. Although it looks like I overshot fame, there is quite some variance with how much Black ends up with.

Saxo T131.ctr

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2 years ago
Oct 20, 2022, 8:51:09 PM

Man,  well done! I'm not surprised someone was able to do it before turn 150, but you blew that expectation Out of the water! My rng for neolithic Wasn't that great,  and after multiple restarts for better rng i got tired of it, and knew some min Maxing here and there,  along With science osmosis would help,  but I got it down to solidly below 200 and called it a week

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2 years ago
Oct 24, 2022, 6:05:24 PM

Thanks so much! I wonder whether a Janissary-mortar push wouldn't be faster after all... And, yes, I never anticipated how much burnout could come of Neolithic RNG! Good job leading the way and putting up with our questions :)

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2 years ago
Nov 2, 2022, 11:09:33 PM

Mmmm...Maybe,  i think mortar rush isnt Worth it because your troops without amphibious Transports take forever To make headway towards the other continents, and your troops Get shredded in water without The upgrade so you have to go slow with massive troop advatage to prevent the dozen  or so boats killing your Entire attack force.

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2 years ago
Nov 3, 2022, 7:56:48 PM

Agreed. Amphibious Warfare makes combat so much easier. In this last run, I had to test multiple routes of invasion, because optimizing several turns led to a completely different outcome in Red's district and army placement. I could defeat Red when attacked with all my units embarked, but the losses were atrocious, so I had to work out another approach just to keep the run alive. I suspect there would be more tricky windows like that with Janissaries and Mortars.

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