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Victory when ending Turn 39

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2 years ago
Nov 7, 2022, 8:31:05 PM

Here is my shot at the scenario.

stro2601 T39.ctr

It was my first try, so there are certainly ways to shape off some turns and optimize, but unfortunately I do not really have time for this atm. If I had however I would experiment with some things or try to make them better:

  1. I was not able to reach the contemporary era. Maybe it is worth to pospone some of the "easy" stars and grab them in industrial, so you can take Japanese with their nice LT and Districts to be a little faster with researching and building the projects.
  2. I would try to also build some additional makers quarters when the researching is about to be done. I got to Rocket Science in T33, and one-turned the first two projects, but needed 4 Turns for the mars colony. I think here you can cut a Turn. If rushing through the Industrial era is possible (which I failed at, see 1), I would maybe consider going with the Persians next time for the production boost. Might be worthwhile.
  3. I would execute my city foundings and overall city management a bit cleaner. I was a bit sloppy on that: I could have afforded one more city (by city cap) than I had, but didn't use this resource.
  4. I would try a different tech path, going more or less straight for Three-Masted Ship and (re-)found all cities with settlers, only building the most necessary infrasructures before that and using the free production for more districts. Would be interesting to know whether this would pay off.

Maybe some of you have some advice or gone after one of the ideas above. If so, I would be very interested in your thoughts and experiences.


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