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Nightmare's run (T34 Final Result)

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2 years ago
Nov 8, 2022, 8:39:36 AM

Well, I'm going to post my best run atm before the event ends. Just in case I'm unable (or unwilling) to complete a better run later today. Turn 43 while not first, feels like a good attempt. Definitely could personally optimize my run by a few turns. I feel like using collective minds could make the run better if used in just the right places, but that's more math and time then i'm willing to commit in the event. Also took my sweet time conquering the whole continent...idk, it was fun, but there's a level of optimization required to get to the top in these events that i'm not willing to put in, all the challenges have been city simulators for the most part, even the agaisnt the odds challenge, and that's just a numbers game, there's no strategy to it really. My least favorite part is that there's no question of what cultures you go in them. The fame one you just transcended all eras, the 100 years war had no culture picks, this one you went science cultures eras 2-6 otherwhise you can't keep researching the techs you need. Against the odds was the only one with some variety in culture picks, but was a huge long one that most people didn't even complete a run of. i think in the future the challenges might need to be more restrictive. Get as much fame as possible challenge, but you can't transcend and you only have 100 turns to do it. Space race but you are only allowed to choose one science culture. Against the odds similar challenge, but you can't be vassaled
Australians Turn 43.ctr

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 7:53:45 AM

Welp, i did it. Turn 34. Honestly i feel like you could squeeze a turn or two more out of it cause i had to wait one extra turn for rocket science cause i only had about 90% of it researched, along with some other optimizations. Swedes might be the better pick but I'm to lazy to attempt it any more
Egypt-> Greeks -> Franks -> Joseon -> French -> Japanese

Japanese Turn 34.ctr

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 6:35:52 PM

Congratulations! I am impressed by the culture alternatives to what Komodo and I arrived at. In particular, I can see how the practically unbridled Aesthete ability would come in handy at a minimum of two points.

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