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Is there a way to gain VIP status?

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5 years ago
Apr 17, 2020, 7:26:00 AM
Jojo_Fr wrote:
One of the known problems of nice people is that they tend to don't like to hurt so much, that they don't dare say what they really think.

Hi Jojo, 

Although you may believe this to be true, from what I've seen/read in discussion threads in the VIP Forums for Humankind, "nice" players tend to say what they really think and don't appear to hold back their opinions on various topics. It's that "nice" factor that makes the feedback so much more well-received and allows that community to grow and trust each other's opinions. 

Although there is a chance that more aggressive players might be more open in their statements, feedback that is given in a way that could perhaps make other team members uncomfortable can prove to be detrimental, as other VIP members may be wary in responding to that feedback, engaging that player, and/or wanting to jump on forums to give their own feedback. 

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5 years ago
Apr 17, 2020, 7:52:05 AM

Ok, I understand.

I made several tutorial video on competitive game level. One for each faction of the game, to share my experience and help others players.

For exemple this one about Early Empire Plan Strategy in Endless Legend : Video

I made too this famous big guide "Endless Legend Advanced Mechanics" : Steam Link

I think I could be of help.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Apr 17, 2020, 11:00:12 AM

Great guide JoJo, will surely use some of the more advanced tips in my future games.

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