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Spore revival

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11 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 9:01:53 PM
your so right the idea behind it was brilliant but that was why the hyper hype strategie worked so well.

man this is one of the biggest fails in game history and a real shame...showing us again how EA can mess up even the best ideas.
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 2:14:37 AM
man just imagine it in Spore you were able to encounter in the singleplayer a galaxy full of races which are made and uploaded by all the other players an realy endless galaxy filled with everything you could ever imagine.

sad that no "real" game has such an concept.

i mean this was just brilliant.
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 3:42:55 AM
Sovereign wrote:

man this is one of the biggest fails in game history and a real shame...showing us again how EA can mess up even the best ideas.

What DOESN'T EA mess up?
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 3:50:14 PM
I enjoyed the game, but I hated the single ship scenario, the stupid requests and the cartoonish aspect of the game.
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 3:54:32 PM
It's a quite good game. If you think about it, it's 5 games in on (5 phases) plus the editor.

But as said before, there are many things which could be improved. I'd really appreciate it if all the phases were more complex.
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 8:59:04 PM
Lord_S wrote:
it's 5 minigames in

Fixed that for you - I'd hardly call something you can beat in 2-10minutes each (on hard) an actual game. A demonstration, a concept perhaps - but not a game.
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11 years ago
Jun 5, 2013, 8:20:41 PM
Well, I think that a lot of you guys know or played Spore. But it was, at a certain point, a disaster. The idea on the paper for the game sounded brilliant, but the game not so much. The game was kinda childish; I didn't like the circular cities; and the space stage could be massively improved (instead of putting the player as a ship capitain that also acts as a dictator, it could be more like Endless Space or Sins of a Solar Empire); and some other minor things that could be improved.

Anyway, I imagine that if Maxis and EA/Weyland Industries (Alien fans will understand) rework Spore, it would be a success, because a lot of people (like me) would do anything for a improved version of Spore.


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11 years ago
Jun 11, 2013, 11:35:17 AM
Wenchbane wrote:
I remember watching this game before it came out, had a pretty good concept back then but didn't realize it would be so watered down...

If anyone is interested I still got my creations I made a while ago, Got back into it recently too so I could check out some of the newer creations.


i like your buildings and your Dagor'Lath, Grutas and of course the Tyranid Carnifex^^

And your Dominion Battleship is just awesome! wow
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11 years ago
Jun 11, 2013, 4:49:33 PM
I would rather that spore was a series of games, detailing each stage (Possibly more stages) in greater detail, and possibly even making spore into a full simulation game of the species, civilisations and space empires.

People like simulations, as we always have from maxis.....I wan more simulation games then 'gamey' games.
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11 years ago
Jun 12, 2013, 5:56:10 PM
Wenchbane wrote:
I remember watching this game before it came out, had a pretty good concept back then but didn't realize it would be so watered down...

If anyone is interested I still got my creations I made a while ago, Got back into it recently too so I could check out some of the newer creations.


I liked you EVE ships models. lol

Also, the Beta versions of Spore were way better than the final version... why did EA ruin that game?! smiley: cry
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11 years ago
Jun 12, 2013, 10:58:20 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
I liked you EVE ships models. lol

Also, the Beta versions of Spore were way better than the final version... why did EA ruin that game?! smiley: cry

EVE 4 WIN smiley: biggrin

Wench, those EVE-Creatures/Ships are great lol
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11 years ago
Jun 13, 2013, 7:50:44 AM
Wicked, thank ye kindly =D Should get around and do some ES ships (If Amp is okay with it...)

@ Nasarog, Like the swarm of saucers you had xD And the S'Neeky...

Wish the game wasn't so "easy" there should be a more progressive feel to it rather than the levels you get. Just feels like it's all about the space stage...
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11 years ago
Jun 13, 2013, 5:05:53 PM
My ideas for a new Spore with new stages:

Cell Stage: Instead of controling a childish cell with eyes and mouths, you would control a cell that looks like the same cells you see when you look through a microscope. Also, instead of biting and eating other cells with your mouths, you would consume it, your cell would "encompass" the other cell with it's own mass. This stage would be on the oceans of your planet.

Aquatic Stage: Your cells have grow alot and has joined together to form a macroscopic creature. Now, as an alien fish, you have to eat the other, reproduce and evolve until the point that your fish will develop legs and go to the surface.

Creature Stage: The fish that you once was is now on land, hunting - and hiding - other creatures. This stage would be alot like the actual creature stage, but it would have improved mechanics and graphics. Near the end of this stage, your creature is already living like a cave man.

Tribal Stage: Now, your race is starting to build small societies. From this stage forward, you won't control a single creature/being, now you will control a group of creatures. You will command a tribe, and you have to hunt, fight and - the most important of all - research, to assure your success.

Pre-Industrial Age (yes, now it's age, and not "stage", since you have fully stabilished a civilization): This age goes from what humans would call of ancient era (ancient Rome and Greece) to the Renaissance Era. You will settle new cities, develop your civilization with new technologies and lead your people to glory!

Industrial Age: This age goes from what we would call of the "Industrial Revolution" to the end of the WWII - when the first atomic bomb was created, tested and used. In this age, just like the Pre-Industrial Age, you will have to research, grow your cities and fight your enemies with powerful and deadly armies.

Information Age: This is a very dangerous age, since now you can exterminate your civilization with your own nuclear weapons. This is the last age in which you will focus on your starting planet. Now you will have to unify the world - either through diplomacy and economic supremacy or through violent and cruel wars that will kill millions or even billions. Completing this stage with military domination will be harder, but in the future ages, it will be worth, since your empire will be under control of a single leader, making decisions to be taken quickly and with more efficiency. Completing this stage through diplomatic unification - like creating a "United Nation" - will be easier, but in the future ages, you will have to face alot bureaucracy, making decisions to be less efficient.

Space Exploration Age: Early space era. This is a pretty calm and quiet age, where your civilization can calm down and explore your own solar system without having to face enemies - since they were all destroyed or unified in the Information Age. In this age, you will control your entire civilization and have to colonize the majority of planets in your solar system and to go to the next era/age, you will have to build a very powerful and expensive exploration ship that can travel to the closest solar system.

Space Navigation Age: The longest age. Now, in the beginning of this era, you will make the first contact with aliens, start colonizing other systems, fight your possible enemies, and do massive research to uncover the secrets of the Universe. Unlike the original Spore, you won't be a ship captain, you will control your entire civilization - Wait, I meant Empire, yes, now you're a space Empire, just like in Endless Space, but it would be in real time and not turn based.

Transcedence "Age": Final and unplayable (?) era. Your civilization is so freaking advanced that you now can transfer the consciousness (the "soul") from your body to nano-computers that can travel through space and that can also interact with anything around it (energy, physical objects, etc) making you god-like, without needing to have a material body (the nano-computers are somewhat like Dust). In this age, you Empire will spread to other Universes, but you would be so advanced that the gameplay would be ridiculosly easy, making it boring, and because of that this stage would be unplayable.

Thats all! lol
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