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Difficulty of Humankind

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5 years ago
Apr 20, 2020, 7:01:55 AM

I was wondering (though, I don't know if it has already been asked)...

Will there be an option to set the difficulty of the game at the beginning or in the (pause-)menu? My first Amplitude game is "Dungeon of the Endless" but even on "Too easy" with the first capsule it becomes challenging when you get to the second half of the stages. It may not be the game but rather my lack of strategic thinking.

I am a beginner in strategy games but I'd like to play Humankind when it releases. So, how much can you adapt the difficulty if you are a strategy-beginner?

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5 years ago
Apr 20, 2020, 7:48:07 AM

Dungeon of the endless is a very different game compared to HK, which is rather comparable to Endless Legend e.g.. Most turn based 4x games work with bonusses for the AI player on harder difficulties and those are fixed in the games I know so far from the start of a new game. I guess you ll not be able to change difficulty during a game based on that.

But I guess you can use settings that are easy enough for starters.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Apr 20, 2020, 7:57:24 AM

Yeah, I know that Humankind is not comparable to DotE but rather to Endless Legend.

It's just common that you can enjoy a game more if you have a chance to win. And for people who are not good at strategy games but still want to play Hmkd, changing difficulty is useful. Thank you for the quick response! ^^

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5 years ago
Apr 20, 2020, 10:48:16 AM
Alina_the_Hedgehog wrote:

Yeah, I know that Humankind is not comparable to DotE but rather to Endless Legend.

It's just common that you can enjoy a game more if you have a chance to win. And for people who are not good at strategy games but still want to play Hmkd, changing difficulty is useful. Thank you for the quick response! ^^

It is hard to judge how easy a game can become, but I think you should be able to find a setting you can win. :)

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5 years ago
Apr 20, 2020, 3:06:35 PM

Most strategy games have the opposite problem from my experience, Its how to make it so you actually have a chance to lose. Once you get the games mechanics down...there are very few that can challenge a player.

Endless Legend with the ELCP mod is one of the few that I can't win at consistently. Maybe I'm not THAT great at it but before ELCP I could literally shut my eyes and win...now hard is actually hard. So don't worry too much about not winning...that's part of the learning experience IMO.

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