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HUMANKIND on PC, Mac, Linux, PS5 ?

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5 years ago
Jun 14, 2020, 1:47:44 PM

Hi everyone,

Amplitude has announced that the humankind game will be available on the PC platform. But what about Linux, mac platforms? Would the game be "portable" on a console as well? (PS5 or X series)?

Thank you by advance.

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5 years ago
Jun 23, 2020, 9:33:31 AM

Personally I would love to see it on a Nintendo Switch. After release CIV 6 on a Switch, I only played it there. 

It's worth saying I'm not the hardcore fan of CIV 6, but love to play from time to time.

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5 years ago
Jun 24, 2020, 5:17:55 PM

Not to be too much of a buzzkill, I have noticed amplitudes games to not be well optimised which could become a problem when porting to a consoles hardware limitations, especially so on switch. Though who knows, perhaps they have learned from their previous games or the poor optimisation was a result of outside help. I certainly think putting it on the nintendo platform world hit a large audience they wouldn't otherwise reach.

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5 years ago
Jun 24, 2020, 8:17:01 PM

Hi, i think indeed that the complexity of code doesn't allow a portage to console plaform now and maybe for years. Thta's a good point if Amplitude remain focus to PC platform to create a perfect game ( as it seems to be until now with alpha release ).

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5 years ago
Jun 26, 2020, 1:40:27 AM

It would really be a pity for both players and Amplitude if not coming with a Mac version.

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5 years ago
Jun 30, 2020, 2:16:31 PM

I think there's a lot to take into consideration before porting to different platforms. Even inside the same hardware, to port to Linux for example, means having to make the engine support Vulkan, and having to support users with issues.

Porting to consoles means dealing with console proprietors, porting to different APIs and developing console UI on top of that.

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5 years ago
Jul 2, 2020, 6:17:09 PM

They already mentioned Mac support. Plus, if I remember correctly, they use Unity, so cross-compiling should not be much of a problem. 

Also, I really hope that the game will be available on the ARM Macs. @Amplitude if you need a tester for that, hit me up! I will most likely be getting an ARM Mac  once they are out this autumn for my own software projects. 

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5 years ago
Jul 6, 2020, 4:36:29 PM

I do hope I will be able to sit comfortably on my chair with my very light 13.3 Macbook playing Humankind and zoning out the world completely immersed within this amazing game. 

I feel Humankind will be life changing for me, I will be able to totally immerse myself in the beginnings of human life & hopefully the level of control and detail will astound my brain.  Will I be totally captivated by the intricacies and level of detail I will lose track of time as if I am living within the simulation.  


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4 years ago
Sep 27, 2020, 10:50:52 AM
Really, considering that this is a Unity game, I would really hope that they would support Linux.
It's stupid and drives me up a wall when people go out of their way to support MacOS when developing for it basically means buying a ridiculously over-priced machine just for the OS alone when setting up Linux on a machine is both free and can be done in just a few clicks. Not to mention how difficult developing for Macs is on its own.

Regardless, seeing that this thread is 3 months old and the Steam page hasn't reflected this idea in the slightest doesn't give me hope for this game.
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4 years ago
Oct 4, 2020, 9:30:01 PM

The lack of consistent drivers makes supporting Linux not cost effective. For Planetary Annihilation, for example, Linux was less than a tenth of a percentage of sales, but more than a fifth of all crashes and support tickets.

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4 years ago
Oct 13, 2020, 1:59:15 PM
Neko-san wrote:
Really, considering that this is a Unity game, I would really hope that they would support Linux.
It's stupid and drives me up a wall when people go out of their way to support MacOS when developing for it basically means buying a ridiculously over-priced machine just for the OS alone when setting up Linux on a machine is both free and can be done in just a few clicks. Not to mention how difficult developing for Macs is on its own.

There are many flavors of Linux, with different kernels, drivers, frameworks, window managers and system utilities on top of wildly different hardware configurations. In contrast macOS is a single platform, with predictable hardware configurations and streamlined APIs. Another factor is that Linux users who are interested in gaming are few and far between. 

In the current PC climate, Windows will always be the primary platform to focus on, macOS following a good distance behind, and Linux beign so far back that it's barely noticeable. This state of affairs won't change any time soon. If anything, macOS will probably get more attractive for game developers in the next years, as upcoming custom Apple GPUs will deliver better gaming performance, likely pushing more Mac users to gaming.

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4 years ago
Oct 23, 2020, 12:29:26 PM

Although a Linux version is already existant with the Stadia version, the fact that the game most probably runs without problems on Proton/Steamplay (no issues with Opendev), makes a native Linux version on Steam even more unlikely. 

As long as no copy protections or anti cheat systems ruin that compatibility I'm completely ok with it!

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6 months ago
Aug 23, 2024, 8:53:47 AM

I cannot make Humankind work on Arch Linux under Wine/Heroic Games Launcher, as it crashes during startup. Anyone playing on Arch? I need help.

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