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Can someone explain these building costs?

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:37:52 PM


I'm currently playing as the Harappans and trying to build a Canal Network. With regard to the encyclopedia, the construction costs are calculated according to formula "80 + (20 * District ^ 1.15)".

I have one city, one outpost and one outpost that is currently build. The canal network costs 150 Industry. So the value for District in the formular has to be 3? But I have no districts build yet, so I assume the City and both outposts count as districts?

So far so good ... Now I attached one outpost to the city and the building costs increased to 187 (the District value in the formula has now to be >4??).

Can someone explain how the value for "districts" is calculated? What is happening to the building costs when attaching an outpost? Btw. the canal network is the first building/district I'm building.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:51:10 PM

I'm about to play myself but if this is similar to other games I'd suggest there is an increasing cost of every district you build, making it harder to build every next district. So easier to build early game and attempts to scale to being harder in the later game when you have industry higher.

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:59:59 PM

The thing is, I didn't build another district. I've just attached the outpost. And there are no districts built in this outpost.

I would rather assume that there are hidden parameters in the formula. Like game speed or number of cities for instance ... 

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4 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:27:12 PM

3 districts (the outposts each count as a district apparently).  3^1.15~3.5=80+70=150.  4^1.15~5=80+100=180

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