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Easy Suggestions to improve the Map editor

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 7:51:10 PM

Dear DevTeam,
While I really love playing your amazing game, creating maps in the map editor has become one of my favorite ways to relax while still being creative. However there are some problems with it that I would like to give constructive feedback on. I titeled this post "Easy" suggestions because I imagine most of these fixes to be made with relative ease, as they require no additional features that are not already in the game. I also Included some actual bugs and feature wishes in the end.

"Easy" Changes:

  1. Display Resource Deposits on the map
    I do not know why this has been disabeled for the map editor. It is really hard to balance resource distribution and almost impossible to adjust later on because hunting misplaced deposits becomes a tedious "Wheres Waldo" game (with Uranium being Waldo). You can make the display optional, but it is necessary to predict the player experience.
  2. Display Region borders even in other sub-editors
    It did not bother me at first, but especially when populating the areas with resources it is important to know where regions start/end as one is placing them. Once again, making the display optional would be welcome, although not quite as crucial as point 1.
  3. Place Spawn points by pressing numbers
    The way spawn points sometimes just rearrange themselves from south to north feels wrong. When making themed maps it is crucial to determine the spawn of especially the first player in order to not force single players to cheese themselfes on the correct spot by creating a multiplayer lobby. My best idea would be to place spawn points by pressing the respective number.
  4. Render Glaciers on Tile height not Sea-level
    This is a really small one, but the fact that glaciers are always rendered on sea-level makes it impossible to create unique icy biomes by using them on land tiles. It wont be relevant to the main game as they only spawn in water, but elevating them if their tile is above sea level would be a small change that goes a long way creatively.
  5. Make using Lakes more simple
    I understand that Lake tiles want to have even or higher terrain next to them, but this behaviour results in alot of visual bugs where editing tiles in bigger lakes causes them to change height as well etc. It makes the process more tedious as it should be and while it probably is a natural behaviour of this tile in map generation, I'd much rather have them not care about the height of tiles next to them. The same thing could be said about rivers/waterfalls, although it is not as cumbersome.

Next to these smaller changes, here are some major ones I would love to see added on future updates.

  1. Fix the bug that makes it impossible to load the map if Landmarks have been altered - happened to me and seen this pop up a couple of times on the forums.
  2. Differenciate between Wonders visually and gameplay wise
    This one is a bit abstract. If one could place wonders just visually on the map and erase/place wonders similarly to landmarks or simply toggle their gameplay effects, map creators could make super Mountain ranges by using 3x Mt. everest or spiky pits by chaining multiple gunung-mulus in a valley. If these wonders could be used as building blocks disregarding region buffs it would definelty lead to some very creative uses.
  3. Lava pls :3
    Ofc it would be a bit unrealistic to have this in the main game, but having the options to draw fiery lava rivers/lakes would be amazing for worldbuilding in the editor, even if they behave just like normal lakes and you could grow rice and use wooden boats on them.
  4. Pre-placed infrastructure/Independant people
    If I ransack an indepentant city its quaters still stay on the unclaimed territory. By the same logic it would be very cool if we could pre-place any quaters (especially emblematic ones) in the map editor. Taking this one step further it would be really cool if we could pre-occupy certain regions with indepentant cities.
  5. Override city/region names in specific Regions
    Right now, city names depend on the culture of its founder, which is a great and flavourful feature. However, it would be very cool if a player founds a city and it would immediately be named Hobbiton based on its position for example. A similar thing with region/outpost names would be an amazing tool to add flavour to the map.

Of course alot of these last ones might be wishful thinking as I am sure the underlying systems are more complicated than they might appear. The first "easy"ones on the other hand are quite necessary in my opition. It is understandable if you focus on polishing/balancing the main game first, but making map creation this acessible could be an amazing thing to sustain a long lasting community in the future.
Have a nice day!

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