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3 years ago
Jan 3, 2022, 9:45:34 PM
akejay3 wrote:

I’m so glad I found this thread I thought I was losing my mind after the patch. I just don’t understand why they nerfed cultures, made research cost scale exponentially after medieval, and made district cost scale all at the same time. I get that before it was an issue that you could finish late game techs in 1 or 2 turns, but I like being able to finish late game techs relatively fast so I can build and enjoy some of the units. But now to even get a reasonable amount of turns for late game techs (6-7 turns) I have to go science cultures for the last 3 eras and even then I have to spend most of the last era with at least half my cities on collective minds which puts me behind in industry and money making building enough late game units to actually use them virtually impossible. Overall, it seems like you guys hit it right on the head. The patch wants you to play like hardcore min-maxers, ignoring mechanics like money and influence in favor of abusing mechanics like land raiser and collective minds, and it’s not fun to play like that. Guess I’ll just have to wait until the next patch

I mean the problem they were trying to solve was pacing. Idk why there's all this talk about min-maxers etc. The pace was bad, you'd slingshot into the end of the game and miss out on a ton of content because the game ended too soon and moreover there was not enough time to try and stop a faction from winning. The entire map used to be covered in districts and it was a no brainer to just stack as much maker quarters as possible. Industry was king, but now you need to spend more time balancing out your other needs. (Tbf, industry is still king if you're min-maxing) 

Look, you have to adjust how you play the game because of the changes. Because stuff scales you need to balance what you build and be more thoughtful about where you place things. You don't need to min-max you just have to play the game more thoughtfully. And the weirdest comment is how influence and money don't matter? Both matter more than ever! And money is even more powerful now than ever! There are so many fun, rewarding and viable playstyles and combinations current available in the game, even on Humankind difficulty. But there's also some combinations that don't work as well - and usually focusing on one thing the whole games (except for industry) is not a good strategy. Frankly, if you're going science cultures 3 eras in a row and barely keeping up then you're doing something very wrong. Build more districts and make sure your industry (and science producing pops) can keep up with the infrastructure you need to scale into the late game. 

Fwiw, land raiser and collective minds should be removed or severely nerfed and new mechanics introduced. They both completely break the flow of the game and the pacing and reward industry only approaches. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 9, 2022, 10:22:27 AM
Daarkarr0w wrote:

You could turn off the turn limit, if you prefer to play without that factor.

Oh, somehow I had never realised you could turn off the turn limit and still keep the other victory conditions. Thanks, I'll be sure to do that next game =)

Updated 3 years ago.
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