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Feature - Please give us alternatives to write history especially in environmental aspects

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4 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 3:43:04 AM

How far will YOU push humankind? 


An exceptionally good question. After a full play through with late game till last tech I am a bit disappointed that the game mechanics and tech tree insists to repeat the same issues, we have on this planet earth.



There is an achievement to get into the next era and leaving Neolithic without killing any animals

There is a story line to prevent or allow whaling. 



The concept of pollution is good but too unbalanced. Who can manage -100 stability without buildings? Some players even cry to have it (optionally) removed.

In the first era after Neolithic, it is not possible to gain any reasonable fame without killing any animals.


Later in the game one can build animal agriculture and I am upset how positively these buildings and techs are described and how it does / can have no effect on human health, public costs and too less on pollution compared to the current situation we have.


Humankind subversively promotes the current systems. Animal agriculture whaling, industrial fishing, sea whole market.

I am ok that we have these options. But they should be options and not giving you penalty for not choosing their specific buildings instead let the player have other options that would mirror the idea and efforts of modern and environmental caring style.

How competitors do it:

In Civ I can win games without exploiting any animal "resource" with ease. This is hard in Humankind.

This might sound crazy, yet there are other games like Sims 4 that even bring add-ons just to satisfy these objectives a bit. 



If we look at the situation with billions of dollars for expenses for animal agriculture and healthcare due to the products, we create of that, and how unsustainable they are, it is obvious that choosing these policies / buildings does not inherit enough penalties in the game, but long term assumes to be beneficial to the player.


Please consider more technologies, buildings, LT, and traits that our children could be proud of and let us have options in the game to not repeat the same mistakes of Humankind while we play.

Thanks for an open-minded discussion. Humankind would evolve to a better and even more unique game considering the idea of environmental protection of any kind as a second path. 

There is no other strategy game that even "bothers" with it, letting us all play the narrative that all we have is "by design" and it is ok how it is.

The situation, as we know, if far from that and life on earth is seriously at risk. As long we can waste time playing and enjoying the game, I would like to make it better.



Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 8:35:43 AM

Well, 4X games are half about exploitation and extermination. :-)

I think the game could have more achievements for many different conceptions of the humankind, options to include them or not.

What about religions/tenets that forbid some behaviours (killing cows or any animals for exemple)? 

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