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Carrack vs Cog

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 9:10:23 PM

Regarding the models: Carrack is clearly smaller then Cogs which is a but strange as they are more powerful units - can there size be increased a bit so they clearly outclass Cogs from the middle ages?

The art on Carracks is also not the best as the ship outer hull is missing any pronunciations or color, angle seems to be a bit too steep as well

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 16, 2021, 6:18:46 PM

Here is a comparison between a Carrack and a Caravel (both ships from the same era one for combat and one for transporting land units):

To me the Caravel seem to be more imposing while the depiction of the Caravel does not immidiately strike me as a combat vessel

I would expect something more along the lines of the Caravel as proportions go but more sails, gunports and imposing roughed look like this:

The current model seem like a parody of the ship based on its contemporary depictions: its too small, neat and cute and is light on details (especially around the sails)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 16, 2021, 8:57:48 PM

Here is a visual comparison to illustrate jsut how tiny the Carrack model is:

It is literally the smallest ship model even samller then the Pentekonter

There is otherwise a clear progression in size from Ancient to Industrial era

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3 years ago
Nov 21, 2021, 11:25:20 AM

Or use this a reference:


The Carrack here falls perfectly in line with the existing models scale and style and is much better then the existing Carrack (which is out of palce in the game):

It has:

  1. Three rows of sails just like the ship of the line (can have 2 in game for perfect transition from cog to ship of the line)
  2. But has smaller hull
  3. A sail at the back and front
  4. Only a few gunports
Updated 3 years ago.
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