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A few notes on the George Sand Update

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a year ago
Jan 16, 2024, 12:44:42 AM

A brief review of the beta patch, since the patch turned out to be not the best, due to the fact that too many Normal nations were weakened (and very much) and few weak nations were strengthened (and not by much). I write mainly about those nations that were mistakenly weakened:

1. Harappan LT: Food bonus now only applies to dry grass. Weakening the inherited Harappan trait is a serious mistake, this ability was not unbalanced or strong, it could be called below average, in the beta version it became completely useless

2. Byzantine EQ: up money bonus per horse access to +2. It is a mistake to weaken the Byzantine region so much, and the area was not bad enough, but it did not need weakening; the maximum bonus can be reduced to +4 for horses

3. The Mughal unique region was simply destroyed and almost all of its bonuses were reduced to zero, the weakening that was done was simply monstrous. and the worst thing is that it has become a religious area, which in itself is a very big minus. Toxic religious areas are essentially useless and only spoil the bonuses of nations. Leave the district as it was before the release of the beta version, as a last resort, reduce the bonus from workers to +2, if necessary.

4. Persian: LT: reduced the industry bonus for common projects from 25% to 10%. Yes, the Persians’ ability was strong, but if you weaken it, then it’s correct to do it in all possible scenarios up to a maximum of -20%. Weakening up to 10% is a monstrous mistake, I don’t understand why almost all of your nerfs are so strong, which in my opinion is fundamentally wrong.

5. American EQ : Changed extension type to science district, lowered the science bonus on garrison, apply its bonus to all garrison of the settlement. It’s not clear why such a weak disrict needed to be weakened at all, this is a very big mistake, it needs to be strengthened instead

6. Russian LT: add -25% outpost attachment cost. Russia simply has a useless bonus, one of the weakest, and you again add a useless bonus to it. Firstly, the Russian bonus itself is weak. Secondly, at the stage of the game when they play for Russia, usually all territories are populated and annexed, so these bonuses are simply not needed

7. Almost all nations from Together We Rule and Cultures of Oceania Content Pack need to be strengthened many times over (especially unique inherited traits), since in these latest additions almost all nations began to appear (graduate) weak

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a year ago
Jan 22, 2024, 3:44:14 PM

Agreed. Way too much focus on nerfing everything into blandness.

It's much better to buff the weak cultures, rather than nerf anything that anybody claims in strong - which as you say, some weren't even actually that strong. Harappans was not OP. And looking through the rest of your points, I fully agree - we think alike.

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