tl;dw - I think Potato was 100% right, the game is so much smoother on VIP it's bananas.  I'm gonna have to do my best to leverage vox populi, vox dei and convince the playerbase for Humankind to play on VIP so much that the data guy at Amplitude can convince the suits to just make VIP vanilla.  The Neolithic period doesn't *really* highlight the biggest changes Bruno has implemented, though, as the Ancient is where VIP and vanilla really start to diverge and only for the better.

Let's get Humankind back up to 5k+ active players.  VIP is the path to that glorious future.  Follow the golden path.  Use some spice and hang out with Bruno and explore what Humankind could be like as a game if it followed the Human experience a *little* bit more closely.

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