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Map hacking AI.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 5:29:58 PM

So I came across this situation, which blatantly shows the AI map hacking, or responding to things that should be clearly in their FOW, and something they don't know about.

I'll try to explain the picture as best I can and what the numbers represent, each # unless specified corresponds with a reload of the save.

#1 and #2 - 1 Is where the AI starts, 2 is where I started.

This results in me having only 2 tiles to fight on, while the AI gets 6. Obviously not to my benefit, and results in my spawn literally right on their front line.

#3 If I pull back to #3 they don't do anything, and they are in my FOW, as well as me in theirs. THey do nothing as they'd only get 2 tiles to spawn with.

#4 Is green as it gives me the full advantage in spawn points, and how many I can field, thus the AI does nothing, and sits at #1

#5 and #6 are clearly in the FOW for the opponent, yet, they will blitz me as they get a huge advantage again and I get only 1 spawn point.

(Note: This is after taking a turn at #4 and they sit in the FOW.. so there is ZERO reason why they should know that they can blitz an army well within the FOW.

#7 Is another example, moved to #4, waited 2 full turns, then moved to #7 and again the enemy tried to blitz the advantage from all the way at #1. Due to the distance he couldn't get there completely, allowing me to get back some advantage, though its still fully in his court...

I think this shows without a doubt that the AI is severely map hacking so to speak. Or responding to things it shouldn't know anything about. This is on Normal difficulty.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 10:38:26 PM

hell, just look at how fantastic the scouts are to find goodies if you put them on auto explore. It's very sus

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