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Detach -> grow population -> Reattach / A small boost for late young cities [TIP]

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4 years ago
Jun 8, 2021, 4:13:49 PM

once you reach the point Influence cost is a non-issue, or even later when attaching can be done through money, a quick way to boost population numbers on a young new city is to attach mature outposts with 4+ population and detach them right after so they can go back to grow population in parallel on their own

outposts continue to benefit from districts placed while attached, so there's only a small trade-off due to losing the administrative center bonuses

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 10:51:02 AM

interesting, never bothered detaching, this will certainly provide easy agrarian stars indeed. (or maybe there should be no detaching, thanks to this little tip right here someone might fix it prior to release of the game)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 12:41:08 PM

Hmm... how about if detaching also moved some of the city's population into the detached outpost? I think that should prevent the exploit. Of course the real issue here is influence costs for attachment becoming a non-issue.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 1:54:13 PM

Maybe a highly increasing influence cost for attaching / detaching an outpost to the same city? This should probably not affect the intended play pattern while preventing the mechanic from being abused.

Of course making influence not become (near) obsolete in the late game would be the optimal fix as the same problem also leads to influence generating buildings / EQ becoming less desired in the later stages of the game.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 5:18:16 PM

the detach move was particularly useful back in Victor for the early growth of rushed Olmecs since they get a LOT of purple stars and the very low cost of first attachment made it easy especially since price was kept at 30 INF instead of raising up to 130 of second attachment

so it was possible to alternate between the Gomeisa and Iklil plots to either:

-get pop to San Lorenzo
-develop the other two territories, Iklil for instance could save a turn to get a 2nd city going by having the ebony artisan set up first

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 4:31:01 AM

Hi all, as one of playtesters who took part in Victor and also Lucy, I did use this method of attaching and detaching a lot myself in order to gain large number of pops into my cities. I even noted this plan and presented the idea to others in Discord. Personally, I sort of call this strategy a 'pops bank outposts'. Here is a screenshot from one of my gameplays based on this strategy in mind:

Certainly, this strategy is powerful and very handy for anyone to gain some pops whenever they need. However, after playing around with this plan and analysing how it plays out after a number of games, there are still some pros and cons to it for which I will address in here.

Pros / Advantages

1. Overcoming the hard cap of +1 pop growth per turn for each city. (Most of players who have played Victor and/or Lucy build should know this already by now.)

2. More pops to work as specialists or be recruited for military purpose - This also makes those high cost Hamlets a little more attractive to build for holding pops gained from outposts with this strategy but still not to the point of spamming them like back in Lucy. I know Hamlets have been nerfed a lot already since Lucy build with double the cost of standard districts and also only exploit food and industry now. As far as I am concerned in Victor, some players already seem to be less inclined to build these in mass, for which you have achieved the goal of balancing Hamlets already.

Anyway, my point is if you nerf the attach and detach mechanic too much in certain fashion, Hamlets may be placed in even worst position.

3. Anyone and any cultures can do this - Having said that, Agrarian cultures still have an upper hand in maintaining larger population than all others thanks to their high food output while Militarist cultures can use their ability more often by converting extra pops from outposts into Militia. More on these in additional notes.

Cons / Disadvantages

1. Smaller pool of resources (rss) available to players from cities - Outposts that are not attached to any cities also means resources that are not used and exploited by players. This is actually one of major drawbacks from adopting this plan. Granted players who do this can gain a lot of pops in each turn from all outposts they have, but they are trading potential rss pool for more pops growth instead. This matters a lot especially in later Era where a lot of things start to cost more industry, science, and money to build and research. Cities with small number of territories are not going to cut it, and this would force players to expand eventually. Statistically speaking, it is almost impossible for cities with just 1 territory to build units and other expensive improvements in later Era.

2. Small and limited city development - Due to having to detach often to allow outposts to grow pops, players would have to focus more on developing 1 or few territories only in order to maximise benefits of 'pops bank' outposts plan or forcing more internal development in limited space. This can be both good and bad with regards to scaling cost of new districts being built that lends itself to players' playstyle preference.

However, do remember that the more districts we have in a city (regardless of how many territories we have given or attached), the more industry and money next district gonna cost. If we focus too much on internal development limited to just 1 territory for a long time just to take advantage of this 'pops bank' strategy alone, we may find ourselves in a tough spot where it takes longer time or harder to actually build next district in another territory when we decide to attach it permanently. (or needing more money to rush build new districts to stay in competition and not lagging behind.)

Sooner or later, as highlighted in point 1 of cons, players would eventually have to expand anyway and reduce efficiency of this plan. The main question is 'when is the right time' to forgo or stop using 'pops bank' plan.

3. Needing constant supply of influence for attaching and detaching outposts regularly - Without exploiting Religion system where players pick mostly just tenets that give influence income, it is actually hard to accumulate influence needed for this plan if not for picking right combination of Civics. This is also not to mention all of those influence pts could be better used for other things like grabbing World Wonders, founding new cities, expansion with new outposts for certain resources, etc. (An exception to this is when players choose a Civic for using money to attach instead of influence, which eliminates this disadvantage and freeing up player influence.)

Obviously, this can be minimised with careful city management and planning and also picking up Civics that reduce the cost of attaching. However, even if players do this, they will still be subjected to all the cons highlighted in here.

4. All detatched outposts are prone to be attacked or ransacked - Owners of 'pops bank' outposts need to keep armies for guarding or constantly patrolling to ensure they do not lose their sources of workforce outside of their cities. Some people might think that since they can gain a lot of pops anyway in return from having military units around to protect those outposts, but you will still lose some industry, money, and some turns (time) to build those in such process. This is particularly true for having large number of territories in Multi-player environment.

In short, maintaining 'pops bank' outposts do require an investment into military to protect them, which may varies depending on how many lands they have in poscession.

5. More Micro-management - The level of micro management from adopting this strategy is increased as much as having many smaller cities over the cap limit. Some players may not like this method in their gameplay, and this is certainly true for those who aim to min-max population growth from all outposts they have. We cannot and should not deny this fact. Instead of assigning what to produce or build next in cities, players now have to monitor all the outposts they have to check population and also calculate how much influence/money they gonna need to attach and detach again for injecting pops into their cities.

I understand that Devs most likely want to eliminate or minimise level of micro-management in the game in favour of more macro-management with allowing players to merge cities starting in mid game. However, I do not think nerfing this aspect of the game would help entirely, because players can still try to expand by obtaining many cities anyway and adopt the go wide strategy where players have many small cities instead of merging them all together. Whether by conquest from taking over Independent People cities or by founding their own cities over time and going over their city cap limit.

6. Overpopulation - If cities take in too many pops over the capacity limit they can hold from attaching and detaching outposts, the overpopulation mechanic (where players are hit with negative food income) will kick in and already serve as balance factor in Victor build. So players have to be careful when taking in pops from any of their outposts to avoid starvation and possibly losing pops intead of gaining.

7. Needing territories with high food output from terrain/tile exploits - This is the last and very important issue. 'Pops bank' outposts plan only work best in locations where there are abundant food supply from land. However, ideal locations for placing outposts may be hard to find. One thing all players have to take in account is defense. Sometimes, those locations in some territories may be close to your opponent lands, which effectively can render this plan invalid or not suitable. This is because your opponents could become your enemy can come to your outposts and ransack them. (Or outposts being stolen by Expansionist ability based on Victor build mechanic.) Again, as pointed out previously in point 4, we need armies to protect these outposts and locations do matter a lot in defense as we know in HK.


In summary, please DO NOT think that this strategy is broken or too overpowered when carried out. There certainly are some merits in doing this, but as pointed out, there are still quite a fair number of cons or issues that players have to take in account before adopting this plan.

Additional Notes

1. The fact that Militarist cultures can potentially swarm their enemies with huge number of militias is one of major issues that all players need to be aware of, which is by combining their affinity ability of raising militia with 'pops bank' strategy. This makes these cultures dangerous to play against, but at the same time, this makes up for their lack of economic boost unlike other cultures where their unique abilities helps boosting their gameplay in their respective fortes. (Apart from expansionist cultures for which I do not know what kind of tweaks or balance you Devs gonna give to help them.)

I am not entirely or absolutely certain myself if this issue could become an exploit with swarming tactic. Although, one could argue that large quanity of militias would not matter much as long as others who are not Militarist maintain decent armies to protect themselves and play more defensively against swarms of militia with proper army positioning and also by teching up to obtain better units. Additionally, any lost militias from Militarist cultures also means more fame pts for others who kill them.

2. This strategy actually gives a degree of importance to Legacy Traits in what kind of yield bonus from pops should players get in Neolithic Era.

If players plan to have so many of these 'pops bank' outpost lying around, then the best or ideal Legacy Trait for them to get is the +1 science bonus per pop or Story Teller. By picking this trait, it will make outposts more useful for players by contributing small science bonus to the Empire rather than being 'pops bank' only.

However, please do note that this does not mean that other 2 traits (food and industry per pops) are inferior to Story Teller but rather they are more ideal for different kind of playstyles for which I am not going into more details here in this thread. (That would be too off-topic)

3. It is actually possible for outposts to have number of pops over their capacity limit, as long as enough food is supplied to facilitate their pops growth. (Each outposts have default capacity of 4 slots, which is the same as Hamlets, City Centres, and Admin Centres.)

To Devs, you may want to consider placing a limit to how many pops can outposts can hold so that the pops number cannot go over capacity. As far as I am concerned, if there is no such limit, this whole thing would actually turn into an exploit rather than just a viable strategy. If players want to to be able to hold more pops in their outposts, I believe that they must be forced to build some districts on those lands in order to hold more pops even though they may not use them for rss. This is for balance purpose, and I would strongly recommend imposing this limit before launch date.

Besides, I also do think it would be broken if players can spend 100 or less influence to attach 1 outpost for gaining 6+ pops into their cities in 1 move. Under normal circumstances, most outposts can only hold about 5-6 pops (or even 7-8 max in ideal locations) with a tech in Medieval Era which gives +1 Food to all tiles. However, under certain rare cases like this situation where (bugged) Celts LT boosts food output from terrains:

It is actually possible for players to gain more than 10+ pops in 1 turn into their cities with little amount of influence spent. If this is not broken, I would not know what is. Even if this issue is ignored by fixing the Celts LT bug, I still think being able to gain about 6 pops into a city is still a little too overpowered or broken, because the number of influence needed to inject 6 pops would be relatively low.

Again, back to my previous suggestion... Please do consider putting a limit to how many can outposts hold pops. Otherwise, this can be exploited throughout the whole game regardless of timing.


Thank you for reading. I will go over some of your posts in this thread with my replies when I got time sooner or later today.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 6:36:32 AM

Thank you Waper for the detailed post covering this strategy. I've heard of it before on the discord channel but never realized how extensive (and micro heavy) it was. So I didn't think much of it until your post. 

I could see this strategy providing +10/pop per turn on a city by attaching 3 outposts (each containing 3 pop) and rotating which ones are attached each turn (for consistency). This, of course, depends on outposts growing quickly (1 pop/turn) by being situated on fertile grassland which can be assisted with feudalism, Celt Lt, and (perhaps) a harbor.

The largest and most important variable is a consistent flow on influence to attach territories. This largely comes from religion through religious tolerance without the need to create your own religion (or make it thrive). Just switch to the most powerful and widest spread religion and your set. Importantly, players utilizing this strategy cannot maintain attached territories in their city as that would increase the cost to attach as a whole. Once commons or more influence LTs come into play, more permanent territories can be added to cities. 

The crux of this entire setup is utilizing the large amount of population to buy-out  expensive infrastructures, quarters, etc. without too much investment after setting things up.

wilbefast wrote:
Hmm... how about if detaching also moved some of the city's population into the detached outpost? I think that should prevent the exploit. Of course the real issue here is influence costs for attachment becoming a non-issue.

Having some population be retained when detached territories would reduce the efficacy of the strategy but let it continue. The influence cost to attach (or detach) is the critical aspect. With the Land rights civic... money could replace influence but that would be more susceptible to problems through stopped trade routes and setting up markets/EQs.

Overall this pop/ banking strategy is an interesting, powerful, and micro intensive way to play that could shake things up from the usual. 

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 8:09:50 AM
HumanKid wrote:

the detach move was particularly useful back in Victor for the early growth of rushed Olmecs since they get a LOT of purple stars and the very low cost of first attachment made it easy especially since price was kept at 30 INF instead of raising up to 130 of second attachment

so it was possible to alternate between the Gomeisa and Iklil plots to either:

-get pop to San Lorenzo
-develop the other two territories, Iklil for instance could save a turn to get a 2nd city going by having the ebony artisan set up first

A large number of players already did address the issue of about how broken Olmecs are as a whole in early state of the game and have asked for them to be nerfed for balancing. I for one agreed with this notion that Olmecs do indeed need some nerfs one way or another.

In Victor, it is certainly true that Olmecs gain an upperhand in exploiting their LT and EQ with so much influence income that allow them to grab a lot of lands and execute this plan more often so than others. Having said that, by owning so many outposts, Olmecs are still are vulnerable to others stealing or destroying their outposts in early part of the game. As a result, it may not be ideal to expand too fast without sufficient armies to keep all those outposts in the first place.

Basically, what I am saying is why get so many lands if you cannot even keep them intact? Even if we do not do this often and instead try to maximise influence efficiency usage by only attaching outposts with 4+ pops into our cities, we still need to build up districts for more worker slots and also increase food production to maintain large population. Otherwise, overpopulation will become an issue for majority of cultures barring the Militarists who can simply just convert excess pops into Militia at no cost. Wise players would obviously try to build up farmer quarters first, but this process in early part of the game can still be quite a difficult task if they do not disband some scouts and turn them into workers to boost their capital city to kick off.

I did a lot myself. So I know exactly where and reasons you are coming from. Whether it is attaching nearby outposts ONLY 1 at a time to reduce influence usage, snake attaching outposts toward 2nd and even 3rd outpost(s) further away from main cities depending on distance for some of my large cities, increasing influence income and conduct more slightly higher cost attachment of multi territory cities, etc...

Yes, I am repeating what I already stated in my previous post, but the main point I wish to address to you is you need to look back at this plan as a whole and think more critically. This is especially true in multi-player environment where some players could just rush others in order to weaken them in early state of the game. Even if we can hold large number of pops early for our young cities with this plan but lack facility to build up strong defense in time to prevent enemies rushing (because we would have spent some turns before to increase food production first at least), then this strategy would flop.

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 9:15:09 AM
Waper wrote:

Basically, what I am saying is why get so many lands if you cannot even keep them intact? Even if we do not do this often and instead try to maximise influence efficiency usage by only attaching outposts with 4+ pops into our cities, we still need to build up districts for more worker slots and also increase food production to maintain large population. Otherwise, overpopulation will become an issue for majority of cultures barring the Militarists who can simply just convert excess pops into Militia at no cost. Wise players would obviously try to build up farmer quarters first, but this process in early part of the game can still be quite a difficult task if they do not disband some scouts and turn them into workers to boost their capital city to kick off.

I did a lot myself. So I know exactly where and reasons you are coming from. Whether it is attaching nearby outposts ONLY 1 at a time to reduce influence usage, snake attaching outposts toward 2nd and even 3rd outpost(s) further away from main cities depending on distance for some of my large cities, increasing influence income and conduct more slightly higher cost attachment of multi territory cities, etc...

You don't need a lot of worker slots for this, you get the tech for population buyout and then use the population to buy the infrastructure.
Also for early armies population is a key resource, so by gaining more population you can afford a bigger army.

(And as long as you only attach one outpost and the detach it again it costs only 30 influence every time)

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 9:42:16 AM
Akaelnyl wrote:

You don't need a lot of worker slots for this, you get the tech for population buyout and then use the population to buy the infrastructure.
Also for early armies population is a key resource, so by gaining more population you can afford a bigger army.

(And as long as you only attach one outpost and the detach it again it costs only 30 influence every time)

Yes, indeed as you said exactly. Althought based on some of Youtube vids I saw from Poe press tour build, it seems Devs already tackled the issue of broken buy out mechanic by sacrificing pops. What they did is significantly increase the number of pops required to rush construction.


(Credits to RNGZero who pointed this out to me on Discord.)

I do not know for certain how many pops are needed to rush build some of early districts, but with that new balance, I think rushing builds with pops now will cost players quite a heavy penalty.

And yes, as long as we can pay the influence cost of 30 for attaching in early part of the game with high stable income, anyone can pull this off. The main problem for them though is still the fact they are using up influence that can potentially be used for other things as I already stated in point 3 under Cons section along with all other issues. This strategy places too much emphasis on using up a lot of influence throughout the whole game if players wish to keep on doing this.

I am aware that Devs plan to introduce some ways for players to use influence in late game too. So at that point, players would have to juggle whether they want to keep going on with this 'pops bank' outpost plan or use their influence pts now on the things Devs have in store for us.

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 10:23:44 AM
wilbefast wrote:

Hmm... how about if detaching also moved some of the city's population into the detached outpost? I think that should prevent the exploit. Of course the real issue here is influence costs for attachment becoming a non-issue.

I do not think moving a certain number of city pops into the detached outposts would help solving this issue.

As many of you stated, the influence cost for attachment become non-issue later on in the game. This strategy can be become potent, but we still have to remember that anyone can still do this at any time and be subjected to all the cons I listed. Whether they wish to do it or not is another story.

If I may suggest another idea as one of possible solutions... How about also giving influence cost for detaching outposts too?

The cost could be the exactly the same as when players attach the outpost. Rather than keeping the cost for detaching to be zero which does encourage players to use this strategy more often to the point where others have concerns that this can be abused or exploited, make it so that players who want to detach their outposts need to pay more cost for it too.

Effectively, this should make it somewhat harder for players to keep attaching and detaching often, because the influence cost needed is now double the value. So in early state of the game, players would need a total of 60 influence to do this just once whereas before... They could do this 2 times in a row. (I honestly did think it was so cheap being able to do all these for a very low cost of 30 influence to get 4+ pops into any cities we want.)

The other idea or solution I have is perhaps DO NOT allow players to attach and then detach any outposts in the same turn?

Basically, putting a restriction to how many times players can attach and detach 1 particular outpost. So if I just attach 1 outpost now, then I should be locked with it and not able to detach until say like the next turn. This can reduce frequency and also increase cost of influence needed to attach 2 or more outposts to 1 city in a single turn. (As we know the more outposts we attach to a city, the more influence cost to attach more thus making it even more difficult to keep playing with 'pops bank' plan.)

At one point, I also did think that it was too easy for anyone to be able to do all these in the same turn or instantly even though I am aware of all the cons to this strategy.

Of course, we can also combine both ideas together and make a little more difficult to attach and detach outposts. However, I do not know this would be such a good idea or not, because it could make this mechanic more difficult for others to use resulting in frustrating experience for some players and reduce level of steamlining in game.

Anyway, IMHO, I think the ideal solution would be to introduce influece cost for detaching too. I will leave it to you Devs to decide whether this is a good idea or if there are any other solutions. One thing I can say for certain though is that I do feel it was somewhat too easy for anyone to be able to attach and then detach any outposts they want instantly just to gain some pops into cities. Maybe what I am feeling right here is this is actually an abuse of the system and would need you Devs to do something to penalise players who do these in some ways.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 10:47:52 AM
wilbefast wrote:

Hmm... how about if detaching also moved some of the city's population into the detached outpost? I think that should prevent the exploit. Of course the real issue here is influence costs for attachment becoming a non-issue.

I think the real issue here is how the growth system is designed to give every single outpost and city the same growth rate no matter how big or small they are. So how about we fix that instead of trying to limit the intended usage. If outposts growing population with a faster rate is called an exploit, that's ultimately an issue of the growth system, not the attaching and detaching mechanic. Right now the maximum population you can have without being an agrarian is (cities+outposts)*turns elapsed.
The hardcap for growth also makes agrarian abilities very powerful because they either gain straight up extra turns in population by using it or steal turns from others(which they can never get back without being agrarian btw).

Here's a little list comparing these 2 issues being fixed here:
Problems to fix:
The growth system

- agrarian has huge advantage being the only one capable of using surplus food for population
- an outpost, a city with 1 population, a city with 100 population, a city with 1 territory and a city with 10 territories all grow at the same speed
- surplus food is useless with no sink for everyone but agrarian

The "exploit"

- players are able to move population around with attach/detach mechanic

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 11:48:46 AM

Ok, since now City construction costs influence, and outpost districts must be bought with gold, what if outposts didn't grow pops at all and instead converted their food, industry (and why not also money and science) exploitation into money instead? You add all FIMS the outpost and its districts could collect and give a fraction of that (maybe a quarter?) as money back to the player. Only cities would have pop growth.

This would: 
a) remove growth bonuses from the pop bank strategy, as outposts would never grow pops;

b) still allow outposts to "bank" pops if needed for some reason, like with hitites/hordes, but those pops would need to move from cities via disbanding of units; 

c) give players a small transferable benefit from outposts before they could attach them, allowing them to use that money from outposts to help their cities;

d) allow for consistent earlygame army upkeep costs (especially on scouts) since your limited money generation from outposts could support a small army upkeep;
e) help reduce neolithic pop spam, as the outposts would not grow new tribes (you'd need to hunt or collect food from the map, not rely on outpost passive pop growth) and you could support only a few scouts moving out of neolithic;

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 1:12:33 PM

amazingly detailed post, waper

it was pointed to me that i made a mistake when i wrote that districts keep working during detached periods. except for artisans/harbors all other quarters go "dormant" and provide only negative stability

to no one in particular, it wasn't my intention to present this as something to be fixed. to me it's just a valid method of working around population growth constrictions

i'm too old for discord, can't find/read anything in its cluttered mess :-)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 1:22:09 PM
docktorkain wrote:

Ok, since now City construction costs influence, and outpost districts must be bought with gold, what if outposts didn't grow pops at all and instead converted their food, industry (and why not also money and science) exploitation into money instead? You add all FIMS the outpost and its districts could collect and give a fraction of that (maybe a quarter?) as money back to the player. Only cities would have pop growth.

This would: 
a) remove growth bonuses from the pop bank strategy, as outposts would never grow pops;

b) still allow outposts to "bank" pops if needed for some reason, like with hitites/hordes, but those pops would need to move from cities via disbanding of units; 

c) give players a small transferable benefit from outposts before they could attach them, allowing them to use that money from outposts to help their cities;

d) allow for consistent earlygame army upkeep costs (especially on scouts) since your limited money generation from outposts could support a small army upkeep;
e) help reduce neolithic pop spam, as the outposts would not grow new tribes (you'd need to hunt or collect food from the map, not rely on outpost passive pop growth) and you could support only a few scouts moving out of neolithic;

While I dislike this I also like this.

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 1:32:43 PM

'resources' as in Luxury and Strategic resources? Yes you get them in unattached outposts (and still should gain them even if the outposts converted the FIMS into only money) 

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 7:02:05 PM

As I didn't try this strategy I can't really tell if it's op/broken or not. That being said this strategy have been around since (fairly) early in the Victor OpenDev and I think it should be kept as a viable strategy to some extent. It's a strategy that reward creativity from player and I believe there are solution to limit how much it can be exploited instead of downright deleting it. Here are a few idea of solutions :

1. You could make it so the game keep track of how many time an outpost has been attached/detached and make it more and more costly to attach it.

2. You could get a stability hit on a city from detaching an outpost.

3. Attaching/Detaching could both take a few turn instead of being instantaneous. That being said if this solution was to be chosen the number of turn it take to attach/detach should scale with either era or number of pop on the outpost as to not nerf early attach and it's current (in Victor) balance. 

I'm sure there are other way to soft-cap this strategy. Other than that I can't say much more than pay attention to Waper long detailed comment, he's (from the one I know in the community) the one that played this strategy the most and as such he's the best fitted to give his opinion on how this strategy feels in game. 

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4 years ago
Jun 27, 2021, 1:47:15 AM
HumanKid wrote:

amazingly detailed post, waper

it was pointed to me that i made a mistake when i wrote that districts keep working during detached periods. except for artisans/harbors all other quarters go "dormant" and provide only negative stability

to no one in particular, it wasn't my intention to present this as something to be fixed. to me it's just a valid method of working around population growth constrictions

i'm too old for discord, can't find/read anything in its cluttered mess :-)

It is all good. In fact, I would like to thank you for posting this thread and made those Devs to notice a result of what they have created and take notes of it.


Anyway, I did try out this strategy again with latest Poe Closed Beta build but somewhat less often.

Here is my verdict... This strategy or plan is nowhere as great as before thanks to so many choices where players can spend their influence on throughout the game.

- Enacting/repealing Civics now cost influence pts.
- Proposing treaties in Diplomacy also cost some influence.
- Creating new cities also does not cost significant amount of influence like back in Victor build.
- Building various things like rss extractors/artisan quarters or harbours in any outposts also cost some influence pts.

So yes, congratulation to Devs for making this plan a viable strategy rather than allowing it to be exploited often like back in Victor. I certainly did find myself asking what should I spend my influence on throughout the game? (Especially from early to mid game.) This is not to mention the nerf on buyout cost by sacrificing pops in any cities also make this plan not as desirable as before.

Again, good job for balancing and giving players more choices of what to spend influence on.

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