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HUMANKIND Tutorial - Empire Expansion

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 6:00:48 PM

Thanks, I learned a few things from your tutorial!

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4 years ago
Oct 26, 2020, 6:57:50 PM

Thank you this helped me understand the basics of expanding - will you be making other guides?  I really need to read about this game cuz I played the Stradia demo and my brain BLEW up 

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4 years ago
Dec 21, 2020, 3:10:02 PM

I found your guide after I had figured out most of the mechanics you described after many abortive starts and restarts.  At first I was making every territory it's own city.  This leads to a bunch of weak cities that take forever to get things done.  Then when I saw the "attach outpost" options and played around with it I tried starting with a single city and everything else I attached to it.  This leads to instability extremely fast.

Finally, I settled on what feels like a sound "happy medium" strategy.  Obviously things vary depending on Influence but I started pairing up territories; eyeing one as the city location and the other as the attached outpost.  Generally one leaned more Food or more Production and the other complimented it.  After I had established 3 cities across 6 territories in this fashion, I added a 2nd outpost to each city so now 3 cities each with 2 outposts across 9 territories.  This provided an extremely productive and quickly improving core and at some point you don't have your choice of territories and may need to resort to combat to gain them or expand in the opposite direction. 

Eventually I had 5 cities each with 2 or more territories and on normal difficulty I was running away with the game with 3x or 4x the fame of my closest rivals and ages ahead.  Will be attempting this strategy on the highest difficulty next.

(Thanks for the guide, greatly appreciated.)

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