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HUMANKIND: Wading into Battle Scenario (Perfect Victory)

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4 years ago
Aug 8, 2020, 1:20:07 PM

Of all the scenarios, Wading into Battle was a tough nut to crack. 

I've posted a play-by-play guide (w/ screen shots) toward achieving the same result on steam (avalible here).


Quick take-aways: 

- Line of Sight (LoS) and vision are key

- The AI has Initative, engages first, but will not try to ford the river (unless baited or forced).

- Rough terrain limits ranged units (not siege) greatly. 

- AI starts turns with longest ranged to closest range.

Since the AI uses its longest range first, it'll position them forward to attack "bait" before melee units can fill-in the front line (trapping ranged units behind them). Picking off the AI ranged units helps immensly (2-3 on the left side & cannon on the right). 

Let me know how it plays out in the comments! 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 8, 2020, 1:28:46 PM

559 damage and no casualty? Impressive! At the first try I lost one of my units with 563 total damage so I tried to reduce the total damage to avoid getting any casualty. That must be a result of delicate damage dispersion.

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