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Kaerbear's Humankind Reference Sheet v 1.0

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3 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 7:04:37 AM

Hello friends! If you are like me, you like looking at 4X data in spreadsheets. So, I've made the following sheet for you guys to play with! I've imported all the data from the HK Wiki, so some of it might be slightly incorrect/out of date (Please comment on the cells that need fixing and I'll update them! :) ). For example, I know for a fact that there's a sub with "0" movement, but I'll get to that eventually ;)

If you just want to look at the data, have at it! There's also a build planner which you can use (the Dropdowns on that page) that will allow you to mess with builds, but if more than one person is using it at a time, it will get dicey. Worst case scenario if you copy my Named Ranges to a new sheet and then copy all my sheets, you'll have a working version yourself. Have fun you guys, hope this helps anyone :)

Kaerbear's Humankind Reference

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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 4:47:46 PM

Thanks for saying so - took me a while to get it all in. I'd love to update it with people's comments if they find errors, getting the info from the Wiki I could already tell that stuff was wrong.

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