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Unique City is quite OP

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:57:56 PM

Hey, I think I found something really interesting. Lately, I've been doing one city only games, and each time it worked really well. Here are the pros and the cons I have noticed so far


-Allow to focus on one city and one urban planning

-Allows to focus the defense on strategic places

-More population means more production of ressources

-All of the production bonuses gained through events go to this city

-All of the production is focused on one city, same for the ressources

-Easier to defend yourself when at war

-You finally can fill all of those tiles with your city

-You can defend better against cultural expension


-Needs a lot of food

-Expending is quickly expensive when you aren't on a small or medium sized continent

-You can only build one thing at a time

-Can't specialize your city, even though you quickly come to a point where you have a lot of everything

That's pretty much it, if you have things to add or to say, don't hesitate to comment!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 5:23:40 PM

Biggest advantage of the One City strategy is the EQ

(also you actually can build multiple things in a turn, but the more districts, the more expensive they are)

So for the Most significant Advantages/Disadvantages


EQ that give per Population/District/Territory/Specialist

Infrastructures easy to get


More expensive Districts (especially since Districts are the main way to allow you to prevent stability issues with unlimited added territories.)

More expensive Territories addition

Only one pop per turn*

*This can partially be alleviated by Feeder Cities that do nothing but produce cheap military units for disbanding in the Gigalopolis

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