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Technology math

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3 years ago
Sep 28, 2021, 7:56:38 PM

I have looked at various math around technology, which include things such as technology cost, osmos science gain and the theoretical shortest path to Mars.

How research is produced

Each turn each of your cities will produce research and this is pooled together and added to the technology you are currently researching. Once you have paid the research cost of a technology you are considered to have researched it and gain its benefits. There are two main ways to produce research, population working as research specialists and building research quarters.


Population can be assigned to be researchers if enough researcher slots are avaliable. How effective a researcher is depend on things such as infrastructure and resources. Researchers is particular important in ancient era as research quarters are unlocked in the classical era and thus for the majority of cultures researchers represent the main way to get more science.

Researchers later on can also produce stability with the healthcare infrastructure. Here is a table on how much resources a researcher will produce with all infrastructures that directly impact the researcher job and not taking account for other stuff a population would give such as science due to library or stability due to mass vaccination.

Researcher ResearchResearcher Stability
Early Modern101
Contemporary12 + 1 * alumuinium3

Research Quarter
Research quarter is unlocked in the classical era with the philosophy technology. This quarter not only provide research directly but also will give a researcher specialist slot allowing a city to employ more researchers. Much like the researcher, there is several infrastructure that can help improve the yields of research quarters and here is a table of how its yield will be with best infrastructure to boost it per era with similar exceptions as I did for researcher, keep in mind research quarter yield can be significantly higher due to resources.
EraResearch Quarter BaseResearch Quarter Adjacency
Early Modern83

Given that research quarter produce more science with neighbour research quarters, it is a good idea to build them next to each other. I have checked how much science that a research quarter would produce in a "triangle" (2 neighbours) and "surrounded" (6 neighbours), which you can see in the table below.

EraResearch Quarter Triangle
Research Quarter Surrounded
Early Modern1426

Research multipliers
The game first calculate your base research, which comes from researchers, districts and resources (not those that say +%). This base research is then multiplied by your research multiplier, which is all +% research modifiers summed together. Like if you have 5 resource giving +25% modifier, infrastructure that give +10% and ideology giving +10%, your total research modifier would be +45%.

The research the city produce is equal to:
Research Produced = Base Research * (1 + research modifier)

So if the city with 45% research modifier produce 100 base research, its research production would be 145 research.

Science Osmos
If a city have atleast 1 territory that is under influence by another player it can trigger osmos events. These come in form of civic and science osmos. Civic osmos will demand that you change one of your civic to the option the influencing player use and these seems to come before science osmos but not sure exactly how it work and it seems about one osmos event will fire each turn. Things such as ideology proximity don't seems to matter but I have not looked that deep into it.

Anyway science osmos come in two forms, major and minor. The only difference I have seen is with major you get an option to purchase a technology for money. The cost of the technology is its science cost times 2, so for each science gained, you pay two money. My guess is you can only purchase technologies the influencing player have.

You can also pick a research boost, both major and minor produce the same amount of science. The amount of science you gain from an science osmos seems to be equal to 3 times the science the city produced on that turn + 15. Basically an science osmos give 3 turns worth of science production from the city that got the event so the more science the city produce, the more powerful the science osmos become. As far as I can tell, you can get science from being influenced by players that dont have any technology you lack.

Base Technology Cost
Each era except for contemporary have 3 tiers of base cost for its technologies, contemporary have 4 tiers. Later technologies in the era tend to cost more than earlier technologies in the same era. The table show the base cost for each era and tech tier, the game ending techs in contemporary is in a special 4th tier cost.
EraLow costMedium costHigh costGame ending techs
Early Modern358045705670N/A

Technology cost based on number of techs researched
The cost of a technology not only depend on the base research, but also on the number of technologies you have already researched (this however seems to be bugged right now and the game don't increase the research cost of technologies as long as you don't do save and reload the game from a save).

With each tech you research, the cost of the next technology increase by 1% on its base cost. If you for example have researched 10 technologies, the next technology should cost 10% more than its base research cost value. This increase mean the total research cost to get all 92 technologies can vary from game to game, it will be less if you get the most expensive technologies as early as you can and most expensive if you research the cheapest technologies first. For example adding 1% to 1000 research mean you pay 10 more research, adding 1% to 100 research mean you pay 1 more research. So the order you choose to research your technologies do matter.

The following graph show how much research you would have spent in the worst case in which you research the cheapest technologies first, it also show how much it would have cost to research all technologies at base price, which should be impossible. You can expect your research cost to get all 92 technologies to be somewhere between these two lines.
The shortest theoretical path to Mars
This should be the shortest and cheapest in terms of research tech path possible to reach Mars
Given that Mars Colony need uranium you may need to get research institute and uranium enrichment, but in theory you can get uranium from trading. Space Station and Lunar Landing however only require oil and aluminium which is included in this tech path so you may build those while you research towards uranium. Also keep in mind that you may want to get other technologies such as patronage for manufactories and three masted ships for settlers.

The cost of this tech path can be seen in this graph:
I hope to add in more stuff later but this took already a long time to gather the information, do the math and write this. Any suggestion what you want to see added and did you spot errors I made, in such case tell me so I can fix those.
Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 28, 2021, 8:05:14 PM

Thank you very much for this guide!

I am sure it will help players to understand what to do to get more science.

The osmosis feature is broken in my opinion, as it continues to works even if you are ahead in science. But it's another question!  :)

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3 years ago
Sep 28, 2021, 8:10:40 PM
Jojo_Fr wrote:

Thank you very much for this guide!

I am sure it will help players to understand what to do to get more science.

The osmosis feature is broken in my opinion, as it continues to works even if you are ahead in science. But it's another question!  :)

Thanks, it took maybe 6+ hours to make this and I have plans for more stuff later.

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3 years ago
Sep 28, 2021, 10:13:33 PM
Jojo_Fr wrote:

Thank you very much for this guide!

I am sure it will help players to understand what to do to get more science.

The osmosis feature is broken in my opinion, as it continues to works even if you are ahead in science. But it's another question!  :)

It does only give you techs you don't have, (and presumably the other player has) and the amount of boost seems to be small if you are in the lead.

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3 years ago
Sep 29, 2021, 11:44:10 AM

Really interesting post he tech tree and science is the first thing that need rework i guess and you show how broken it is . Thanks ! 

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3 years ago
Sep 29, 2021, 12:03:55 PM
Arphenix wrote:

Really interesting post he tech tree and science is the first thing that need rework i guess and you show how broken it is . Thanks ! 

Well you can get to Mars with just 14 techs, or more realistically 16 techs due to uranium.

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3 years ago
Sep 29, 2021, 1:02:27 PM
Goodluck wrote:
Jojo_Fr wrote:

Thank you very much for this guide!

I am sure it will help players to understand what to do to get more science.

The osmosis feature is broken in my opinion, as it continues to works even if you are ahead in science. But it's another question!  :)

Thanks, it took maybe 6+ hours to make this and I have plans for more stuff later.

well written good work! very helpful and good reading

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3 years ago
Sep 29, 2021, 1:04:52 PM
RedPhoenix596 wrote:
Goodluck wrote:
Jojo_Fr wrote:

Thank you very much for this guide!

I am sure it will help players to understand what to do to get more science.

The osmosis feature is broken in my opinion, as it continues to works even if you are ahead in science. But it's another question!  :)

Thanks, it took maybe 6+ hours to make this and I have plans for more stuff later.

well written good work! very helpful and good reading


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