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Trade routes through independent people territories is a big risk

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a year ago
Feb 4, 2023, 8:22:06 PM

I have often wondered why my trade routes were destroyed or interrupted. Now I have seen when my ally suddenly destroyed a lux resource on a territory of an Independent People. As a result, my Trade Routes that passed through that territory were destroyed. Wow I thought to myself, just a small lux and such a big effect. I analyzed it further and here are my observations in the table:  

From this you can learn that it is important to know where to place your own Trade Routes. You often have a choice between sea route and land route. One should rather avoid the IP territories, as it brings great risk with it. 

Every aggressive action with IP is considered as a small war, which lasts only for a very short time. If our import route is destroyed by another player we get grievances.  

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