Hello, I am using Unity to make some minor changes to many of the units' properties. The mod builds without errors. I export it and it is available in-game. I select it and click apply. During the game I can see the mod has applied UnitAbility_IndirectFire to the Crossbowmen, as desired. But none of the other units' attributes were adjusted. A review of the diagnostic log reveals the lines below. I have searched far and wide, to the ends of the interwebs, and am unable to find any help on this. Can one of you tell me specifics about the warning? The Crossbowmen change is the first one that occurs in my mod. Is the game code that is reading and applying my mod not loading the rest of the changes because it encounters a "duplicate" and stops processing my mod? Crossbowmen are modded once and only once in my mod.

Thanks in advance. Yours truly,


(hahaha, get it? truly confused)

UPDATE: So it appears that when I BUILD my Project the mod is only written to my .../Projects/PopsiclePrime Tuning Mod/Assets/AssetBundles/StandaloneWindows64 folder. It is NOT written or copied to my ...Documents/Humankind/Community folder. But if I BUILD AND RUN my Project it is written to both locations. The only downside to Building and Running, for me, is that when the game is launched it freezes during the loading process and I have to kill the process. So I have only been building my projects which means the updates to it have not been going to the ...Documents/Humankind/Community folder. Which means only the first ever iteration, from my first Build and Run attempt, was actually being loaded into the game. The only unit change I had in that first iteration was adding Indirect Fire to Crossbowman, which worked as expected in-game. In the diagnostic file there is a Warning message generated when a unit change is loaded into the game. In my mind a WARNING is a bad thing, something to avoid. So in that mind frame, I wrongfully deduced that the warning message was telling me that a change to Crossbowmen was already made, and that my change was not going to be made. I additionally, and wrongfully thought, that perhaps the main game code that reads in the mod stopped processing my mod at the point because of some error and that is why none of the other changes I had made to other units were showing up in-game.

I now know that the WARNING message is not really a warning that something bad has happened, but that it is a CONFIRMATION that my change was made to the in-game unit database. I can expect to see one of these warning messages for each unit database change I make, if I do not see one for a particular change then I know something went wrong.  

I also now know that unless I can find a setting of some type in Unity Hub to automatically put my built mod into both the .../StandaloneWindows64 folder and the .../Community folder that I will have to manually copy it to the .../Community folder.

----------------------------------------------------- From diagnostic file --------------------------------   

<p id="Information" class="None"><span class="time">08:30:55:574</span><span class="flags">None</span><button class="Stack" onclick="toggle('trace496')">STACK</button>Loading runtime module 'popsicleprime tuning mod', 'PopsiclePrime Tuning Mod'...</p>

<pre id="trace496">



<p id="Information" class="None"><span class="time">08:30:55:576</span><span class="flags">None</span><button class="Stack" onclick="toggle('trace497')">STACK</button>AssetProvider 'popsicleprime tuning mod.assetbundle' has been mounted.</p>

<pre id="trace497">

Amplitude.Framework.Asset.AssetDatabase:Mount(System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo, System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo)


<p id="Warning" class="None"><span class="time">08:30:55:582</span><span class="flags">None</span><button class="Stack" onclick="toggle('trace498')">STACK</button>The database of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Data.Simulation.ConstructibleDefinition' has overriden an element because its key name 'LandUnit_Era3_Common_Crossbowmen' was already registered for the same revision number #3.</p>