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4 years ago
Dec 16, 2020, 4:12:55 PM

Moluccas - Early Modern

Initially, the term Moluccas only refer to the homeland of the Four Paramounts, the Moluku kie Raha, which are the Sultanates of Tidore, Ternate, Bacan, and Jailolo, a joint confederation that emerge in the 14th cantury in present day North Maluku Province, Indonesia. However, as time and expansion went on, it came to include their sphere of influence, which includes all the archipelagic islands between Sulawesi and Papua. Known as "The Spice Islands" due to the exclusive crops of Nutmeg/Mace and Cloves, the islands became highly coveted by European colonnial powers. From the Portugese that began missionary work, to the monopolizing Dutch, and the even the temporary British, the native Moluccas persist through orchestrated conflict, forced plantation, massacre, and displacement inflicted upon them. They are hardy sailors, wealthy and powerful monarchs, cultured and religious people that deserved to be potrayed in Humankind at their peak as a trade powerhouse and the source of richness. Those that control the spice, control the future.

Affinity - Merchant

Benefiting from their homeland, the Moluccas was able to exert influence and power from their spice trade. They use these highly sought product as bargaining chip with the colonnial powers.

EU - Kora kora

Giant war canoes with outrigger, traditionally used to slave raiding and warfare among the islands. Larger variants also exist, called Juanga, with increased rowers, platform for the commanding officers, and even cannons. When the Dutch managed to control the nutmeg production after their conquest and massacre of Banda Islands, they too use the kora kora as patrol vessel to enforce their monopoly during the so called Hongi Expedition/Hongitocht, hence why you could find a lot of litograph from that era of kora kora flying Dutch's tricolor. Maybe they can have ability tied to the raiding aspect? or the enforcing trade aspect.

EQ - Spice Plantation

I think I've spoken about spice enough on this post, but yeah, maybe this emblematic quarter can be placed in coastal land tiles give bonus to trade/trajectory going after them. As a fun bonus, maybe if enemy managed to loot it, they gain money or something.

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4 years ago
Dec 19, 2020, 9:47:40 AM

@Malikultum hey, your cards are really well-done. And it is interesting, I didn't know the history of Aceh and Moluccas

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4 years ago
Dec 23, 2020, 6:27:07 PM

Yes to All! 

I sincerely hope this aspect is moddable, and/or DLCs contain tons of cultures, not just 1-2 'races' as  say in ES2.

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4 years ago
Dec 26, 2020, 9:23:12 AM

@Narcisse Thanks! I just want to represent my country and it's myriad of cultures through these eras in Humankind. I tried to pick one that signified particular aspectsto the history of Indonesia (Aceh = Islam rep, fight against Dutch), Moluccas = eastern indonesia rep, spice islands). This following one is prob the most famouse of the bunch.

Majapahit - Medieval

  The empire that served as a proof of concept to the founding fathers of Indonesia that these far flung islands of the archipelago can be unified under one central banner. Majapahit is a Javanese Hindu thalassocratic empire with tributaries stretch from Sumatra to Papua, from mainland SEA to the southmost tip to the Phillipines. Started out as a breakaway state in 12th century that managed to ride out the confusion during a Mongol Yuan invasion, Majapahit reach its peak in 13th Century when then prime minister Gajah Mada made an oath during his inauguration to abstain from earthly pleasures until he can bring all known domains under Majapahit's sphere of influence or mandala. His ambition see him serving two rulers, while keeping to expand Majapahit's tributary states even wider. However, this ambition is also his downfall, where a skirmish caused a soon-to-be bride for his king to be killed, cancelling a potential alliance, and Gajah Mada was demoted. Civil war and weak kings came in the following centuries, and those tributaries back out from the worsening empire. When Majapahit was supplanted by the Islamic successor state of Demak, so does end the chapter of Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia.

 Since Javanese is the ethnic majority in Indonesia, it's not strange for a lot of Indonesians to look back at Majapahit as past golden age.The empire's expansion circa 14th-century contributed to the diffusion Javanese cultural influence throughout the archipelago, which can be seen as a form of Javanisation. It was probably during this period that some Javanese cultural elements, such as gamelan and kris, being expanded and introduced to islands outside of Java. Modern Indonesian nationalists, including first president Sukarno and others have invoked the Majapahit to argue for an ancient unified realm, as a predecessor of modern Indonesia.

Affinity - Expansion

Majapahit became very expansive during the reign of Queen Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi (Gitarja of Civ VI fame) when Gajah Mada was elected. from then on, they became very expansive. Decimating and supplanting the local rule in Bali, creating a direct vassal in West Sumatra, and even surpassing his initial goal and includes even more domain that previously never submit to the Javanese successive kingdoms before Majapahit. This extent of territories is still debated, as the main administrative reach never left Java, leaving those outer region in much self-autonomy.

EU - Jong

The Majapahit Empire used jongs as its main source of naval power. It is unknown how many exactly the total number of jong used by Majapahit, but they are grouped into 5 fleets. The largest number of jong deployed in an expedition is about 400 jongs accompanied with many other smaller ships, when Majapahit attacked Pasai. Jongs were usually equipped with few big cannons and a handful of cetbang swivel guns, and used to transport the groun troops. One of the better poetic rendering of the capabilities of these guns during a coastal raid called the attack "turned the enemies into rotten old washclothes, full of holes and colors". While the jongs are known for their size, it was outperformed by the "faster and smaller ship with more advanced cannons" meta brought by Europeans, and thus they're slowly replaced by in the ensuing centuries.

I want to take the last part as an inspiration, and maybe make the jongs to have extra health/combat strength, but were restricted to one-tile naval ranged attacks. Its a wall in the Medieval era, but would have to be replaced eventually when your opponents have teched up.

EQ - Candi

Candi are ancient stone building used for worship, or for storing the ashes of cremated Hindu or Buddhist kings and priests. Indonesian archaeologists describe candis as sacred structures of Hindu and Buddhist heritage, used for religious rituals and ceremonies in Indonesia. However, ancient secular structures such as gates, urban ruins, pools and bathing places are often called candi too, while a shrine that specifically serves as a tomb is called a cungkup. During Majapahit's time, Gajah Mada built a mortuary candi honoring a past king of a kingdom before Majapahit. Many archeologist view this as his attempts to potray Majapahit as a succesor state and thus had the rights to claim the extent of that past territories, which coincidentally also includes those domains he said in his oath. Also, during the end of Majapahit's reign you can also see candi bearing more ancient megalithic elements, detached from the Indianized style that's usually reserved for such place of worship.

I think we can use these last bit so that the Candi can also give you stability besides faith, to help you quell those lands you just get.

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Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 26, 2020, 11:59:34 AM
Malikultum wrote:

@Narcisse Thanks! I just want to represent my country and it's myriad of cultures through these eras in Humankind. I tried to pick one that signified particular aspectsto the history of Indonesia (Aceh = Islam rep, fight against Dutch), Moluccas = eastern indonesia rep, spice islands). This following one is prob the most famouse of the bunch.

Indeed, I can totally imagine that Majapahit officially arrives one day in the game. I mean, they are famous AND medieval era is in desperate need of a maritime culture of this geographical area in my humble opinion.

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4 years ago
Jan 28, 2021, 5:16:29 PM

After declaring independence in 1948, the Israelis waged rapid wars, defending and expanding their territory.





Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jan 29, 2021, 11:00:27 PM

Muscovites - Expansionists - Earle Modern

Muscovites based on the Muscovy of the times of Ivan the Terrible.

Expansion in Siberia lasted from 1580 to 1700, so Muscovy is located in the New Modern Era.


The game replaces Arquebusiers.


Reduced production cost.

Property - berdish (additional damage if they are attacked in close combat)



The center of Russian expansion was the Ostrog. Growing out of a winter hut - one or two log huts, built at a successful crossroads of river routes, it turned into a real fortress with wooden walls that covered dozens of buildings.

Garrisons appointed by Moscow sat in Ostrog, hunters who went for sable lived, local clerks organized new and new expeditions, investing in them the funds obtained in Siberian adventures.

Having mastered a new place, the colonists imposed fur tribute on the neighboring tribes, and they themselves began to actively hunt sable. (It was no secret to anyone that Siberian forests are rich in furs - real “soft gold.” This product was rare and in demand for Europe, its sale to the West brought fabulous profits.)

In Siberia, Ostrogs were used as fortified points that provided protection for the first Russian settlers, and administrative centers for collecting yasak (Yasak is a tax in kind from the peoples of Siberia, which was collected mainly by furs.). Many Siberian cities originated from the Ostrogs.


The Ostrog can be either a unique fort post / main plaza and give extra gold (+5) for adjacent tiles with forest / woodland / river.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Feb 26, 2021, 3:13:35 PM

Czechs - Builder - Medieval Era

Emblematic unit - Wagenburg

Historical background:

Wagenburg emerged during the Hussite Wars. Its emergence is due to the weakness of the Czech infantry, which could not withstand direct battle with the cavalry. Therefore, the Czechs came up with to make a ring of carts, inside which were pikiners and archers - crossbowmen and arquebusiers. When enemy cavalry tried to attack, they stumbled upon a fence of carts and were forced to slow down and look for space between the carts. At this time, fighters from Wagenburg fired at the knights.


Replaces crossbowmen.



Ring of carts (attacking cavalry has no bonus from the charge)

Emblematic district - Glassblowing workshop

Historical background:

The first mention of bohemian ( or czech ) glass dates back to the 12th century, but their active development began in the 14th century. Soon glass household items become available to everyone

Czech burgher, even the poor. In the 17th century, Venice, which was the main competitor for the Czechs, began to give up its position in the glass market and the Czechs became monopolists.


I see the Glassblowing Workshop as a Merchant Area (+5 gold for the adjacent district).

Updated 4 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 12:29:14 PM

Seeing how we're in the contemporary era for the reveals, have another one!


Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
May 7, 2021, 12:38:14 PM
Malikultum wrote:

Seeing how we're in the contemporary era for the reveals, have another one!


Umm, I think they're calling for an actual military unit for the EU. Hallyu (Korean wave) can be a legacy trait.

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3 years ago
May 8, 2021, 8:27:06 AM

Je verrai bien aussi une culture type "paradis fiscal". Marchand puissance 100000.lol. Pas d'expansion mais inattaquable aussi. Tu corromps les autres territoires avec ton argent jusqu'à ce que tu puisses les acheter, Ou les vassaliser ! ? 

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3 years ago
Aug 26, 2021, 4:24:37 AM

I don't have a chance to sketch things out, but I don't think it would be entirely necessary to do so.

But seeing the Cree and Maori come to Humankind would be great, especially since we've seen how they played out in Civilization VI.

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 10:44:17 AM
Zumwalt wrote:

Czechs - Builder - Medieval Era

Emblematic unit - Wagenburg

Historical background:

Wagenburg emerged during the Hussite Wars. Its emergence is due to the weakness of the Czech infantry, which could not withstand direct battle with the cavalry. Therefore, the Czechs came up with to make a ring of carts, inside which were pikiners and archers - crossbowmen and arquebusiers. When enemy cavalry tried to attack, they stumbled upon a fence of carts and were forced to slow down and look for space between the carts. At this time, fighters from Wagenburg fired at the knights.


Replaces crossbowmen.



Ring of carts (attacking cavalry has no bonus from the charge)

Emblematic district - Glassblowing workshop

Historical background:

The first mention of bohemian ( or czech ) glass dates back to the 12th century, but their active development began in the 14th century. Soon glass household items become available to everyone

Czech burgher, even the poor. In the 17th century, Venice, which was the main competitor for the Czechs, began to give up its position in the glass market and the Czechs became monopolists.


I see the Glassblowing Workshop as a Merchant Area (+5 gold for the adjacent district).

Great job designing a culture of my own. However, it would have been better to call it "Bohemians", as in Medieval era, Czech territory was known as "Lands of the Bohemian Crown", regardless if you were of German, Bohemian, Moravian or Silesian descent. The term Czech is a little anachronistic here imo.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 3:19:21 AM

Nice to see that you people are still at it. I saw the other Community Culture Suggestions thread and I thought it had been abandoned after the game came out. Keep up the great work!

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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 3:29:49 AM

If it helps maybe this will give people some inspiration. This is a description of a Median Soldier from the book History of the Persian Empire:

"The Mede is at once distinguished by the wearing of the more original Iranian costume. On his head is the round, nodding felt cap with neck flap. A tight, long-sleeved leather tunic ends above the knee and is held by a double belt with round buckle; over the tunic might be thrown on ceremonial occasions a cloak of honor. Full leather trousers and laced shoes with projecting tips indicated that their wearers spent much of their time on horseback. A short, pointed beard, a mustache, and hair bunched out on the neck were all elaborately curled, while earrings and necklace gave added ornament. Their chief offensive weapon remained the spear of cornel wood with a flanged bronze point and the base held by a metal ferrule. To this spear  many warriors added the bow, held in an extraordinarily elaborate bow case and serviced by arrow from a quiver."

-Olmstead, History of the Persian Empire, p. 32

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 16, 2021, 2:07:25 PM

Okay, here is my own stab at the Czechs!

Era: Early Modern

Name: Bohemians

"Truth prevails."

Affinity: Militarist

Legacy trait: Ye Who Are Warriors of God (+2 Combat Strength when fighting opponents with different State Religion. Victories in battles provide a burst of Influence.)

Emblematic Quarter: Brewery (Counts as Makers Quarter. In addition, it provides +5 Money per adjacent Market's Quarter.)

Emblematic Unit: Hussites (Militia unit. Replaces Draftees. 37 Combat Strength [up from 34]. Bonus CS when defending on a tile. Can be raised in a city by Militarist affinity action, and when raised, they generate 5 Faith per Hussite in Army.)

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3 years ago
Sep 16, 2021, 8:07:55 PM

I wonder if there is any chance of these making it into the game. It was really disappointing seeing all the work here and the "Community Culture Suggestions" thread seemingly go to waste, as none of the suggested cultures made it in with exception of a few that were included as Independent People.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 11:47:53 AM
TheVisitorGuest wrote:

I wonder if there is any chance of these making it into the game. It was really disappointing seeing all the work here and the "Community Culture Suggestions" thread seemingly go to waste, as none of the suggested cultures made it in with exception of a few that were included as Independent People.

I mean, what did you expect :p the initial line-up of cultures was probably planned, concepted, designed (their artwork, models, clothings) for years, because it demands a bunch of work.

Culture suggestions have more for objective to show the desires of the community for the future of the game (so expansion and updates), experiment for fun the design of a culture that we like in the context of the game and eventually giving ideas to modders when including cultures will be possible (even if it's a big "eventually", because modders probably want to shape their own ideas and giving their free time on their projects).

And when we were speculating the roster of the game, and I made this thread, we already knew than cultures were already chosen. (I mean, at that moment ancient to early modern era were already revealed).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 4:28:25 PM
Narcisse wrote:
TheVisitorGuest wrote:

I wonder if there is any chance of these making it into the game. It was really disappointing seeing all the work here and the "Community Culture Suggestions" thread seemingly go to waste, as none of the suggested cultures made it in with exception of a few that were included as Independent People.

I mean, what did you expect :p the initial line-up of cultures was probably planned, concepted, designed (their artwork, models, clothings) for years, because it demands a bunch of work.

Culture suggestions have more for objective to show the desires of the community for the future of the game (so expansion and updates), experiment for fun the design of a culture that we like in the context of the game and eventually giving ideas to modders when including cultures will be possible (even if it's a big "eventually", because modders probably want to shape their own ideas and giving their free time on their projects).

And when we were speculating the roster of the game, and I made this thread, we already knew than cultures were already chosen. (I mean, at that moment ancient to early modern era were already revealed).

I suppose. I got involved in these community threads late shortly after the game was released, so I didn't experience what it was like initially when the game was still in development. From my perspective, it looked like there was a lot of work put into making some very thoughtful and wonderful suggestions, that were ultimately ignored by the devs. At least the original Google Doc is still being added to and people are still participating.

Updated 3 years ago.
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