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[MOD] More Religious Tenets for Humankind

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3 years ago
Oct 31, 2021, 12:20:03 AM

This is our first mod for Humankind religion, and it adds 16 new tenets to the game so every tier has 10. We're planning on adding more tiers (if possible) and adding a feature so players can pick how many tenets appear in each tier and randomize them per game if they want. The download post is HERE, and it includes a full list of all the tenets the mod adds.

The mod was tested on Windows and Mac, in single and multiplayer games, and in the current game version and a beta patched game. No issues were identified.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 31, 2021, 10:30:57 AM

HOOOO boy yeah gonna post it on reddit more people should know your mod !  That's so cool tho a bit unbalanced .

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 31, 2021, 10:53:56 AM

Otherwise as you buffed religion do you plan improving influence , or civics could have a suggestion you could upgrade civics making them more powerful but it would cost you influence / T , or Transcendence giving you choice to buff your LT or placing 1 more ED or keeping EU trait on the next era equivalent or the three otherwise thanks for your work , what do you think of beta modding tools ?

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3 years ago
Oct 31, 2021, 11:38:31 AM

New Tenets (all give +1 Holy Site except as noted)

Seek Inspiration: Renew your faith in nature's sacred spaces: +5 Faith on oasis, caves, craters, dimension stones, and hot springs

Think this is pretty good see with balance in early game
Volunteer your strength: The mighty should flock to defend the faithful: -10% Industry cost on units

A bit too OP and there is same later maybe more CS on home guards

Elevate the Faith: Our mighty constructions will glorify the divine: +3 Influence on built wonder

It's easy to get +3 influence so maybe all wonders are considerated as holy sites 
Be Industrious: Let your work reflect the strength of your faith: +1 Workers slot on Holy sites

Cool one however limited number of holy sites maybe + 1 WS on HS / co-religious state 
Welcome Unbelievers: Open our holy sites to the ignorant that they may learn our faith: +2 Influence on Holy sites

Easy to get influence so maybe +0.1 influence on holy sites per converted territories 
Be Constant As Water: Let the Divine flow through you: +2 Faith on rivers and waterfalls

A cool one ! 
Observe Fasts: At prescribed times, deny yourself physical nourishment so you may gain spiritual sustenance: +3 food on Administrative Center (changed from a bonus of +5 food on Harbors).
Same effect as Luxury ressource so + 1 food and 0.1 faith on farmer quarters 
Praise Transformation: Acknowledge the faith of your neighbors: +5 Faith per territory

Nice one nothing to say maybe not much powerfull on small maps 
Seek the Earth's bounty: Take the best land to nurture your communities: +2 Food per river

Cool maybe could suggest natural wonders are considerated as holy sites 
Till the Soil: The community grows when nourished by the faithful: +1 Farmer slot on Holy site

Same as the Per worker slot 
Improve Your Settlements: A mighty city manifests Divine favor: -5% Industry cost on districts

Great one maybe for the beta mechanic less stability / adjacency a stability boost when for adjacents quarters 

Develop Your Faith: Attain new knowledge through religious instruction: +20 Faith per Holy site

Bad you can get +20 / holy sites with holy day , maybe improve holy day + 2 / 4 faith or reduce their cost 
Obey Religious Leaders: Those chosen by the Divine will lead your community wisely: +10 Influence per Holy site

Should be bigger bonus or something like you get influence propagation boost on territoires converted to your religion 
Gather Crops Diligently: Let no fruit wither on the vine: +2 Food in territory following religion

Bonus too low maybe +1 food per farmer 
Share Your Abundance: Allow the faithful to benefit from your good fortune: +10 Food per Holy Site

Bad too for tier 4 maybe +1 food on holy sites per converted territories

Begrudge Not Your Defender: The swords of the faithful protect us all: -5% Army upkeep on Army
Really cool one ! 
Relinquish Worldly Goods: Deliver your wealth for the enrichment of the faith: +2 Money per adjacent Market Quarter, +3 maximum number of Holy Sites
Good too 



For victory religion help so should provide bonuses for religious leader and for fame boost bonus help and atheism will crush out .

Maybe you could have religious wonders that would require a number of follower giving you bonuses like if religious territories demands are not accepted rebels will spawn 

And for Fame deeds are a good one like be the one who are the first atheism , convert an atheist state or get fame when converted contients 

For diplomacy if state shares same religion and there is a war with a religious casus belli you could demand as for alliances that they join the war .

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3 years ago
Nov 1, 2021, 5:35:12 PM

Hey, thank you for the detailed and thoughtful answer. I replied to you on the topic elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself, but this is great feedback :)

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3 years ago
Nov 3, 2021, 3:02:00 PM
AOM wrote:

Hey, thank you for the detailed and thoughtful answer. I replied to you on the topic elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself, but this is great feedback :)

Hey remarked some fixes the game has forgotten for religion that you could add
Like there is no this " there will be impacts on stability , so either bonuses or penalties based on the proportion of your population follows your state religion " source https://youtu.be/FsLc_c8GHRc?t=105 so why not just copy bankruptcy stab losses but with a cap and slower .

Matching to second point : Rebels could take that city 

You don't gain IP points if they follows your religion but your culture yes so why not same religion + 1 IP points / turn and if religious leader would be 3 .

Another cool idea would be to a motivation to gain more followers like bonuses and maybe an hierarchy too , you don't have bonuses to be when you are a religious leader maybe you could get a leader special tier for ex giving you 1 fame per converted pop , tho you would need to declare war to be religious leader ( holy sites needed ) maybe if you influence or faith per turn is doubled higher than the religious leader one you would have a grief to ask transferring leadership 

Nations that have same religion should have a lower war support cap and refusing demands to your religious leader could raise more his war support .

Nice you want to upgrade the game !  

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3 years ago
Nov 5, 2021, 9:26:45 PM
AOM wrote:

Interesting ideas, especially regarding IPs. Will take a look ^^

Otherwise any news about selling / buying things ? In the discord the people didn't digged up for diplomacy but some succeeded to create new unit luxury and infrastructure he might create a guide for that . We can do very exiting things fews UI bugs when you load up more mods but no restarting if i remembre 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 7, 2021, 8:16:24 PM

Still going through the existing tenets we added to adjust them according to feedback received here and elsewhere. Also, we've now added two new tiers, albeit empty tiers right now ^^. Ideas for some possible tier 5 tenets include:

- food on stone/rock fields
- Natural wonders act as holy sites (taken from your lists of ideas above)
+1 Industry per worker on Holy sites
+1 Industry per adjacent MQ on Holy sites
Faith affect on unit industry cost
Faith affect on unit maintenance cost
Faith-related discount on buyouts

We've also successfully matched eras to tiers by making the ability to unlock a tier a research item in the relevant era. This will allow the tiers to contain tenets that would be substantially overpowered if obtained too early in the game. Two goals that could be relevant to tier 5 are allowing faith to increase production or decrease production costs (allowing the cultural pursuit of faith to minimize the overwhelming bonus that production oriented cultures receive) and making faith a relevant thing to pursue in the first place. Also wanting to have terrain interact a bit more with faith bonuses. Thoughts?

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 1:43:02 PM
AOM wrote:

Still going through the existing tenets we added to adjust them according to feedback received here and elsewhere. Also, we've now added two new tiers, albeit empty tiers right now ^^. Ideas for some possible tier 5 tenets include:

- food on stone/rock fields
- Natural wonders act as holy sites (taken from your lists of ideas above)
+1 Industry per worker on Holy sites
+1 Industry per adjacent MQ on Holy sites
Faith affect on unit industry cost
Faith affect on unit maintenance cost
Faith-related discount on buyouts

We've also successfully matched eras to tiers by making the ability to unlock a tier a research item in the relevant era. This will allow the tiers to contain tenets that would be substantially overpowered if obtained too early in the game. Two goals that could be relevant to tier 5 are allowing faith to increase production or decrease production costs (allowing the cultural pursuit of faith to minimize the overwhelming bonus that production oriented cultures receive) and making faith a relevant thing to pursue in the first place. Also wanting to have terrain interact a bit more with faith bonuses. Thoughts?

Really noice planning to code it with beta tools or still in BinpexEX ?

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 5:17:02 PM

The mod already includes features that cannot be made using the dev's tool, so we are using BepInEx.

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 5:19:42 PM
AOM wrote:

The mod already includes features that cannot be made using the dev's tool, so we are using BepInEx.

Oh someone however succeded to make religious tenets mods https://humankind.mod.io/docktorkains-revised-tenets 

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3 years ago
Nov 9, 2021, 6:05:18 PM

Yes, it is possible to make tenets using the dev tool. To my knowledge though, it is not possible to link the tenets to eras through the tech tree which is what our mod does. We want our tier 5 and 6 tenets to be more powerful than would be appropriate for the Medieval era, and with the current system, people can get through all tenet tiers by the end of the Medieval. By linking the tiers to eras (Ancient - Tier 1, Classical - Tier 2, etc.) we can make the tenets more era-appropriate so they aren't out of balance with the game. So, for example, one of our Tier 5 tenets is raises the city cap, another gives industry per follower of the state religion, and so on. I think these would be too powerful if obtained in the Medieval era which is when most people currently finish the religion tiers. 

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3 years ago
Nov 10, 2021, 8:56:04 AM
AOM wrote:

Yes, it is possible to make tenets using the dev tool. To my knowledge though, it is not possible to link the tenets to eras through the tech tree which is what our mod does. We want our tier 5 and 6 tenets to be more powerful than would be appropriate for the Medieval era, and with the current system, people can get through all tenet tiers by the end of the Medieval. By linking the tiers to eras (Ancient - Tier 1, Classical - Tier 2, etc.) we can make the tenets more era-appropriate so they aren't out of balance with the game. So, for example, one of our Tier 5 tenets is raises the city cap, another gives industry per follower of the state religion, and so on. I think these would be too powerful if obtained in the Medieval era which is when most people currently finish the religion tiers. 

Yes something to concurrence atheism .

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