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Competitive Deed : Text missing for one deed

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4 years ago
Oct 21, 2020, 7:31:47 PM

Hey guys !

  • Description :
I noticed this missing text once I received a notification for the deed (see attachment) : first deed in the list with a 50 fame reward.
  • Steps to Reproduce :
I wouldn't be able to give the steps, since the text is missing. The notification illustration is not helping as well, something related to happiness/stability maybe ? (see attachments). (edit : I understood the "locked" status as another player being awarded for a specific deed)
  • Reproducibility :
1/5 for now -> I'll see if it does still appear on my next playthroughs. (second playthrough gave the same result, I'll update the score with one or two more playthroughs) 
  • Expected Behavior :
Expected text for this specific deed.
  • Notes :
  • Attachments: screenshots


Updated 4 years ago.
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