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First impressions, what worked and could be better

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4 years ago
Dec 23, 2020, 6:19:38 PM

I started day 1 and just finished my 150 turn game on OpenDev, below are some of my impressions throughout the game.

Better explain civ attitude standing

"We welcome the spread of your influence" is listed as both good and bad (up arrow and another down arrow) in the diplomacy screen

Having no stalemate in war and forcing units to die due to "retreating" doesn't make much sense, it would be nice to have a war stalemate when both empires retain their units without losses

Better explain what certain actions do e.g. "selecting attach territory will cease construction on your mine (3 turns left)" so as to not accidentally interrupt an ongoing action

Influence is a really interesting mechanic that could be better explained or utilised, I covered the whole continent with near 100% influence but it didn't seem to make much difference 

Really loving the interactions on the treaties screen between the 2 civs

Battles can still be a bit confusing about who's included (2 armies, 2 hunters and 1 hunter within 2 tiles, but only 1 army is included in the battle)

The civics screen could be more informative about what each of the meters represent and how to shift one way or the other, or what is affecting the shift towards a certain end

Make new and existing trade deals more obvious and explain how "luxury resources" affect the empire

Overall the game was really fun, diplomacy, civics, religion and trade all seem to have a lot of potential to be really interesting traits for the game and I'd 100% recommend it 

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