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The third test feedback summary from China

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4 years ago
Dec 26, 2020, 1:40:22 AM

My Suggestions for Lucy Opendev

Hello, Dear Developers! I am a fan of HUMANKIND from China, sorry for trying hard to make myself understood. I speak for our forum to feedback our suggestions for the Lucy Opendev, hoping to help with the game development! You are really doing a good job!


● Babylon's EU replaces spearmen, so it doesn't have any anti-cavalry units in Ancient Era.In Early Modern Era, Edo Japan has the same problem, with EU Samurai replacing Halberdier.

● In Ancient Era, Zhou's EQ produces too much research points, even more than the reserach quarter coming out in Classical Era. That's very imbalance.

● In Early Modern Era, Lucy Opendev has 19 units, but in your Troop Tree, there should be 20 units, so where is the missing one? Is it privateer?

● Assyrian LT is too weak. Should we have one more land move speed to patrol the vast realm conveniently?

● As a Militarist Civilization, Hittite's LT deserves Combat Strength +2. +1 is not bad, but we have Huns'LT +3 combat strength on mounted units.

+1 combat effectiveness is too weak compared with other civilizations of the same period, and it is not easy to match later.

● We find Militarist and Expansionist' EQs are useless in Ancient Era. We spent several turns to build them that provide no return.

● Huns's EU in civilization selection and construction interface shows that its attack range is 3, but the actual attack range is 1. Mongolia's EU has a similar problem with an actual attack range of 2.

● Ming's EU needs 3 saltpeters. It's hard to find more than 2 saltpeters, so it have to rely on trade.

● Some challenges are easily to be done, but some are terrible. For example, the Expansionist star means a hard burden.

● Independent peoples only provide militia employment, resources , and nothing else. And they have only militias which could hardly survive in the AI's invasion.Please enhance their combat strength.


● When calculating industrial production, the industrial districts are possibly regarded as expolitations, resulting in double counting.

● After dozens of turns, the Merchant(or Builder) civilization will accumulate a horrible production in money(or industries), far beyond the general demand. That spoils gameplay a lot.

● The upper limit of the city districts should have a corresponding relationship with the current population, otherwise even 1 population can rely on high industry or money production to "build" a lot of districts.It is anti-common sense and destroy the balance of the gameplay.

● The research pace in Ancient Era is too fast, when the cities should spend 5-6 turns to construct 1 building. So we have more and more buildings left to be done, making us anxious.

● No generals in Lucy Opendev. Be cancelled or no more generals?

● Barracks reduce the industries production cost of units by 5%, but it takes 100 industries to build itself, which is hard to pay back.

● The FIMS provided by the religion easily exceeds the FIMS provided by populatioin and districts. So the production of the religion should be lowered and limited.


● After the lens Angle is turned up, the edge moves slowly and the feeling of stagnation is more serious.

● The Territory's boundary is not conspicuous enough, and the connecting plot is disjointed and floating empty.

● we can't see the most of the constructable infrastructures in the city UI at first glance. Only a few part of the screen is left to show them,even the list mode doesn't help us to tell the function of an infrastructure icon. There should be some tips on the icons to tell the meaning of each one, for example, the border color matching the FIMS. 

● The outpost has not construction queue.

● The current Angle of view is not easy to tell the terrain height difference, resulting in wrong operation.

● Some players have the situation of halfway back.

● Late game easy to jam.

● In the early stage of the game, the unit will automatically explore in the sea and die in the deep sea area without warning.

● The discovery of new civics depends on coincidence, there should be some tips to guide how to discover them, leaving players more choices. We prefer to approach the specific civics at the beginning.

●The cavalry needs more spaces to show its advantage, so we think the battlefield could be wider when a cavalry unit running into the battle.

The above are our major feedbacks. Thanks for reading. Merry Christmas,this is our Christmas present and we hope all you staff could keep on making HUMANKIND a representative of 4X game.

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4 years ago
Dec 26, 2020, 9:46:10 PM

I agree with a lot of this but there are a couple things I disagree with

I currently believe Assyria has the best ancient EU, the Assyrian raider, at a base 21 str. The LT is not the main focus of the culture but It doesnt have to be, the raider is so good. However even later plus one movement synergizes a lot with the slower but strong EUs that later cultures have. Remember, this buffs units in battle too.

Hittites weak point is that their EU is very strat intensive. the LT is very good, getting plus one on all units includes scouts, and every unit later, while the hun's LT won't buff the powerful gunpowder units of early modern. STR difference matters a ton, and imo this gives them significant advantage.

Ming rocket cart is 45 str ranged unit with suppression. Its hard to get 3 saltpetre in this build cause the AI is bad and doesn't improve the saltpatre fast enough, so you can't trade for it. But the fact that this thing has suppression makes me very scared. Very strong unit, so it makes sense cost is high.

Expansionist stars are hard, but if you achieve them you have an easier time achieving other stars, so I do not think it is that big of a balance issue.

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4 years ago
Dec 27, 2020, 1:23:39 AM
blackwell wrote:

I agree with a lot of this but there are a couple things I disagree with

I currently believe Assyria has the best ancient EU, the Assyrian raider, at a base 21 str. The LT is not the main focus of the culture but It doesnt have to be, the raider is so good. However even later plus one movement synergizes a lot with the slower but strong EUs that later cultures have. Remember, this buffs units in battle too.

Hittites weak point is that their EU is very strat intensive. the LT is very good, getting plus one on all units includes scouts, and every unit later, while the hun's LT won't buff the powerful gunpowder units of early modern. STR difference matters a ton, and imo this gives them significant advantage.

Ming rocket cart is 45 str ranged unit with suppression. Its hard to get 3 saltpetre in this build cause the AI is bad and doesn't improve the saltpatre fast enough, so you can't trade for it. But the fact that this thing has suppression makes me very scared. Very strong unit, so it makes sense cost is high.

Expansionist stars are hard, but if you achieve them you have an easier time achieving other stars, so I do not think it is that big of a balance issue.

I just be responsible for sorting feedback, everything is not I a person, my own view is HeTi is too weak, not Assyria, Assyria situation awkward, + 1 slightly weak, + 2 May overflow intensity, really need to combat effectiveness is HeTi + 2, but the EU Ming really demanding

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