First of all i wish all amplitude staff a happy new year and all the very best for 2021 !!
Thank You for giving us the possibility of testing and enhancing this already promising game.
Hereunder my recommandations, ideas and wishes for a better game.
I played a first 150 turn (Faith mechanic bug : impossible to access the faith menu)
My second game works fine.
Important :
IMO I spent too much time managing cities (I suggest making construction longer and more profitable because my feeling was “one more- one less” no matters and it breaks the pleasure of upgrading our empire.
Victory screen : prefer the close button(X) in the bottom instead of top of the pop-up windows (will be clearly more accessible because more centered on the screen and easy to use)
I liked the idea of choosing between making units or keeping the population in the city for the economy.
I didn't see a real interest in the absorb mechanic between cities in this trial. (influence cost not adapted anyway).
No upkeep mechanics of any sort at his step in this Open Dev i guess (so we are literally billionaires)
Same for trade and diplomacy (the good ideas are already present in Endless Space but it is not the purpose of this Trial)
I found the money upgrades unnecessary because no money problem due to no army or building upkeep.
Main Ideas : Cultural differences between empires should allow you to gather or construct on other empires territory (like pushing borders).
it will give another interest in investing on culture to access interesting tiles instead of taking arms
As experimented in Endless Space, the minor tribes assimilation and benefits would clearly have its place in this title too because it gives an interest and a kind of race with other empires to get its benefit.
Heroes could also be introduced, it gives an interest and the history of mankind is made of heroes.
A true Global empire menu shall be at disposal ; A must have on this kind of game with long sessions with many thing to manage
Good ideas from ES2, exists with the possibility to perform migration of population from one city to another should be implemented.
To better stick the reality and give a more attractable and historical vocable interest
The only use of "empire" all the way could be more flexible (tribes / anarchy / republic / senate / democracy / confederation) depending on the choices done to evolve and alliance / vassality done.
The slide bar is too thin.
Each construction could be colored associated with its type (green food / Red industry / yellow Money and blue Science) to be assimilated easily and clearly. (beginners will be lost)
Suggestion : The list mode should be sorted by kind or nature of development (food, science...) its actual state the list mode is meaningless.
The "view only constructible" option automatically resets after closing the menu ; it should stay activated, and this, a city to another.
Names of eras in I-II-III ... in era menu could be more explicit
Culture choice : When choosing new culture, keep the info box visible sliding one to another.
You should not preview special abilities linked to civic unlock like "banish, inquisition and procession", we see them and cannot use them for many turns, we will notice them better if they appear once the prerequisite is met.
Important : Possibility of a Minimap to easily navigate in world without de-zooming
Caméra :
Scroll speed is a real pain with a keyboard ; In settings, an option to adjust scroll speed maybe.
Possibility to rotate camera for better visualisation (with those cliffs and associated just know what i mean ^^)
Give more details when clicking on other empire icons (empire name / actual power / their era)
Also color the city's sticker font with the color of the empire like badges.
Environment :
Add Dynamic weather (clouds / rain ) or season / day-night cycles
some events pop-up could have some visible consequences on the map (ex : river flood)
Too many rivers IMO , they are a precious element in the world map due to associated technologies and should not be found anywhere.
Some city-constructed tile are blinking, glitching, (graphic setup-default with a gtx 1060 graphic card)
important : when a unit is activated : automatically propose the way / path in place of the cursor.
Upgrading a Unit still allows you to move without any malus (maybe too much in one simple turn...)
In the same way a unit can move + Fight + heal itself completely in a single turn
It seems that boats have half less movement when they carry units (they should not has their are design for this duty imo … or at least
Don't apply the malus or depending on the number of units, to keep realistic)
Units on sea are slower than on ground, even in difficult terrains like forest or rocky grounds with no roads (ex : 2 tiles max (on firsts Eras) on sea when unit are 4 on plains)
When exploring with an empty boat, you cannot declare war on empires and force open borders (no possibility to explore beyond the naval frontier if empires not introduced in diplomacy)).
Pop-up :
When the "attitude change" pop-up appears : color the name of the empire with its actual color in the game) for better understanding
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