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[Suggestion] Choo-choo!: Dedicated Animations for Trains

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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 6:35:33 AM
For those who did not experience trains, here is how it works. After researching a certain industrial-era technology, player can build railway network by placing special district called railway station. All networks are automatically established, but only with neighboring territories. So you have to build a railway station in every single territory between your departing-territory and arriving-territory. Plus, units just walk normally as if they were using normal roads.


So back to the point. In Victor OpenDev, there is no special animation for units using railway networks. Thus, I would like to suggest a new dedicated animations for trains. Just like units embarked in transporting naval vessels, when units are moving by trains, trains would be displayed instead of units. In this way it would also be possible to address another problem: to reduce relatively long animation-displaying-time of traveling multiple territories in one-go. It simply takes quite some time for units to finish their movements in current state. By introducing dedicated train animations with faster speed of movement (than normal walking speed of each units) this problem would also be evaded. How do you like this idea? Please leave your thoughts on the comment section.

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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 10:02:20 PM

I could imagine that this might be too much work, afterall there's a lot else to be done till release. But adding a Choo-Choo sound effect and speeding up the walking animation when using the railway might be more feasible.

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