DrunkenChoko, in [Question] Valid Spot for District placement
4 years ago
Hi !
This is a bug actually, thanks for the report !
DrunkenChoko, in [Question] Valid Spot for District placement
4 years ago
Hi !
This is a bug actually, thanks for the report !
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Can we please stop with the twitch nonsense?
4 years ago
The streamer avatars will not be promoted as much as they are now in the release version of the game, but they are prominently featured in the Victor OpenDev version (and the Lucy OpenDev version before) because we are using these opportunities to gain experience with Twitch drop campaigns, as this is new ground for Amplitude.
However, there will still be twitch drops for these avatars after release, so the streamers are not under obligation to stream for this OpenDev, especially as they may have already had plans for this period or may prefer to wait for the release version to show the game.
If you really want to get unlock these avatars, they will be dropping on our stream tomorrow (Thursday the 29th, 6pm-8pm CEST).
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Combat
4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback regarding the AI behavior. I've noted it down in our tracking files.
Hssarth wrote:Ranged units I deployed were unable to attack without being on an adjacent tile, which seemed a little strange. It feels like they should have the option of attacking with a single tile between them and their target.
reich238 wrote:Yeah, I agree with that - I had on standard diffculty two Nubian archers on a hill top with a cliff guarding an outpost and then a bunch of nasty independet people showed up for a party with three sets of two chariots each, and I couldn't shoot at them form somewhere save.
The only ranged unit that should have a range of only 1 tile are the Hunnic Hordes, so if you encounter any situations in which your ranged units cannot shoot to their full range, please make a save and report the issue in the bug reports section.
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Religion
4 years ago
@goldenfalcon123 @RyanAstoria83
Thanks for the feedback, but to avoid any potential misunderstanding, let me ask for clarity: You are referring specifically to the initial "First founding" event popup, and would like to see the historic religions that are available when choosing a tenet to be present in this event as well?
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Welcome to Victor OpenDev
4 years ago
Hello everybody,
And Welcome to the Victor OpenDev!
We're thrilled to have you join us for another round of OpenDev to help us make Humankind an amazing 4X game!
I know you're all eager to play, so I'll try to keep this short (but the list of changes at the end of the post is pretty long):
Key Points on OpenDev
A Note on the Organization of These Forums
In order to keep these forums easy to navigate, please take note of the following points:
What's New in Victor OpenDev?
We've been hard at work since the Lucy OpenDev and have made many changes to the game. Here's a (nin-exhaustive) list of notable changes:
Economy and Game Pace
Neolithic Era
Naval gameplay
We look forward to your feedback,
The Amplitude Team
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Independent People
4 years ago
Hello everyone!
From the Stadia OpenDev to the Lucy OpenDev, we had made some major changes to the way Independent People work in the game, and received a lot of feedback on the system and its balancing. While we have not implemented major changes to the mechanics of Independent People in the Victor OpenDev, we have made some balance tweaks to them, and the changes to the overall game balance may also affect how they fit into your game experience. So we would like to hear from you about your experience with Independent People in the Victor OpenDev.
Whether you are a returning Lucy player, or a first time OpenDev player, please let us know what you think!
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Religion
4 years ago
Hey everyone!
In the Lucy OpenDev, we had implemented a first set of changes to religion in Humankind to address some of the feedback we had gotten from the Stadia OpenDev. These changes were primarily focused on how to unlock Holy Sites and adopt a named historic religion, with some changes to tenets as some older tenets had become deprecated by the changes.
For the Victor OpenDev, we have focused more on changes to the tenets themselves. We have rebalanced many of them, as well as moved some powerful tenets to higher tiers to make them more difficult to access.
Please let us know what you think about religion in the Victor OpenDev!
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Map Design and Generation
4 years ago
Hey everyone!
While the Victor OpenDev, like all previous OpenDev scenarios, is played on a fixed map to guarantee a comparable experience for your feedback, we'd like to take some time about maps in 4X games with you this time.
We'd like to hear from you what kinds of maps you play on in 4X games. What do you consider a good or bad map? Are there an terrain features you particularly like or dislike? Are there any settings you particularly enjoy in other games?
Here are some factors to consider:
Please let us know what kind of maps you enjoy playing in 4X games!
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: AI
4 years ago
Hello all!
In our previous OpenDev, we received a lot of feedback on the AI in Humankind, which was unfortunately skewed by a bug in the difficulty selection often having people play at a lower difficulty than they intended.
Since you should now be able to properly select your difficulty, and we've continued to work on the AI in the months since Lucy, we'd like to hear from you what you think about the AI.
Here are some questions we'd like you to consider in your feedback:
Please let us know what you think!
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Feedback: Naval Gameplay
4 years ago
Hey everyone!
While naval gameplay was not necessarily the focus of the Lucy OpenDev, it was the first chance for our fans to play with more than very early naval units. Many players explored the naval gameplay in detail and gave us some great feedback, so in the Lucy OpenDev we want to put a greater focus on naval gameplay and hear from you what you think of the changes.
We have:
Please note, we are aware of some issues related to naval gameplay:
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