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Victor Feedback and general thoughts

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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 5:51:36 PM

First of all, this is the first time I am playing any opendevs and therefore giving any feedback. I am however, an avid 4X gamer, and I have played most (if not all) 4X games on pc ever since the first Sid Meier's Civ. Yes, I am that old. That includes space 4X games as well. I am also a middle-school history teacher. So, I have some thoughts and would like to share them as I feel this game has geat potential and hopefully some of these changes can improve the Quality of this game. 

Most important "quality of life" change I'd like to really enjoy the game:

- The era progression is way too fast and not in sync with tech progression. There is a lot happening at once, and you don't have time to enjoy or immerse yourself in the current era, when suddenly it's time to progress to the next. 

- Research should play a much bigger role in era progression, i.e. you need to have researched at least one of the era-relevant technologies in order to progress to said era. Research should be much slower to slow down the overall game progression. Can't stress this enough, this is a make or break deal for me (and many others I believe).

- At least put in an option to have research take longer.


Other QoL changes:

- When building an infrastructure building, i.e "+2 to prod rocky...", "+2 food rivers...", it should be highlighted or somehow show the actual effects when chosen. Difficult to see what terrain is actually surrounding the city and how much it will affect the city. Love the terrain mechanic btw!

- A bit weird fighting mammoths when progressed to an Ancient culture. Huge leap in time there. 

Wishful thinking:

- Rivers! For immersive purposes, and as a history buff and teacher, I can't stress enough the importance of rivers for the early cultures. They should play a far more important role, not only as bread-baskets, but also the role they played in commerce and transportation. They were the highways of the ancient times! Rivers, along with oceans and coastline should play a much bigger role for commerce and transportation --> boats/ships as transports should be used more in later eras. It's the main reason the largest empires from the middle-ages to the industrial ages could maintain such empires, through ships and waterways as the fastest mode of transportation. Units should be moving slower, but loaded on ships would be transported much faster, either on rivers or on coast/ocean. This would open up an entire new ship-based gameplay, warships to protect transports etc. I know that would probably mean a complete overhaul, but it's something that's been missing on most historical 4X games and something I'd love to see in any game.

Noticed bugs/features:

-  progression notice "Romans progressed to Romans", when actually it was another culture progressing to Romans.

-  Notification needed when neutrals are ready to be assimilated.

- A multiple turn battle crash. Peace-treaty signed in-between ongoing battle. Battle couldn't resume and was stuck --> game couldn't progress, had to load earlier save and avoid combat to progress game. 

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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 6:46:44 PM

In quite a few threads, gameplay concerning rivers has been often mentioned. Some reviews concerning naval units traversing rivers while others about increasing the importance of rivers and coastal tiles. There are some progressive infrastructures targeting rivers that focus mainly on food and industry yeilds, but I believe there is an argument to be made for coin to be included as well. 

Rozgar wrote:
- When building an infrastructure building, i.e "+2 to prod rocky...", "+2 food rivers...", it should be highlighted or somehow show the actual effects when chosen. Difficult to see what terrain is actually surrounding the city and how much it will affect the city. Love the terrain mechanic btw!

From what I have seen this actually occurs on the tile numbers but is difficult to see as the background becomes green or red (increase or decrease) instead of remaining white. I have difficulty seeing red/green colors... so I'm not exactly a fan of it quite yet. 

As you mentioned being into history, what did you think about the cultural transition mechanic? It is quite a change from other historical 4Xs, so I'm interested in how you feel about this. 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 30, 2021, 9:25:57 PM

I read a few threads, I made some bulletpoints during gameplay to include in my feedback, I didn't include many of them as they were already mentioned in other threads. I didn't read all though and probably missed about others bringing up the rivers. 

The cultural transitioning is very interesting, and I believe Humankind is on to something here. But, this is how I'd have loved to have it being done:

Cultural transitioning shouldn't be like it is now, not exactly, but almost. Now you get some stars, doesn't matter which of them and then you get enough to advance to new age. 

This is what I would've liked instead: The previous should be included, but depending on which of these that you, through your actions and productions (and quests/curiosities) and everything else you do, should steer you towards a certain culture-type based on your choices as a player. When the time comes to advance the culture, you get to choose not from all cultures, but from those that more closely resembles the way you have played. This could help flesh out the neolithic age as well. For instance as a neolithic tribe you are nomad's, when you get enough food you get a new unit, do you then split these up, so you can explore further (more explored map --> more exploration points -->choice of expansion culture and/or science culture (curious minds). Or, do you keep the units together in a larger band? Stronger together - less exploration, but stronger force with more battles won/ransacking --> militaristic culture. For influence culture, a "settled" (outpost) tribe could get more influence through [Cave paintings] as an action, for example if that was introduced and so on. Merchant culture could be actual when [Fishing] at special fishing spots at either rivers or coastlines. These are only wild ideas that I am coming up with as I am writing. But basically this, the culture that evolves should be more based on the players choices not a free for all as it is now. And like someone else said in another thread, I would love it if each Era by itself felt almost like a full game. Perhaps an average of about 70-100 turns to reach next era, to get immersed in the one you are currently in. Then I can live with the cultural trasitioning as it is now, without major revamps. Just make each age longer. More different units in Neolithic--> Hunters, goes on hunting expeditions for weeks High risk/High reward ventures. Gatherers stay and gather food, Fishers and so on. What I haven't seen in any 4X game, and still remains to be seen, is the importance of water, not just as commerce, food production and such. But for survival, fresh water. Without access to fresh water no community would exist, which is also why the first major civilisations of the world evolved around major fresh water sources. Shouldn't be able to settle or build a city in a region with no access to fresh water. Which later technologically could be built through Wells, Aqueducts and so on. But without those technologies you'd first have to settle close to a an already existing fresh water source. The most important resource of all.

Ok, sorry, so this became much longer than I first thought, but it just kept coming as I was writing. Just some thoughts :)

Updated 4 years ago.
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