First time I'm posting here, and first time I'm giving feedback over a game still in developement, so hope this'll be useful.
First of all, thank you for giving us the chance to try this game and letting the players somehow shape the development.

This game is amazing and has a lot of potential, I just finished to play my second scenario during this open dev and here are my thoughts about some issues/improvements:

- Slower era progression: I think that, if you don't put a high focus in science, you'll soon start to advance in eras when your techs are way behind. That's not because of research speed, I think that's ok, but gaining other stars it's a bit too fast and don't give you enough time to research and apply those research, building infrastructures above all (in all my games I had a very big list of infrastructures and wasn't able to build them, and in one of those games I focused on industry)

- Player and AI names: in the notifications, tooltips etc, AI and players should be named not after their current culture, but with a name, to better identify them during the game regardless of their actual culture, improving immersion, and to avoid confusion.

- Naval exploration is boring: I like the "damage in deep sea" thing, but naval movement is way too little compared to land units (that are a little too fast, excluding cavalry and scouts), leading to naval exploration feeling unrewarding and slow.

- Rivers: I read this on other treads, I also think that rivers are not as important as they should, gaining importance only after building a couple of infrastructures. They should give a bigger boost to your food at least.

- Repetitive districts: this is a minor issue, but if you spam a district (eg science district) you have a very unpleasant and repetitive view of your city. Maybe adding 2 or 3 template for district, so they vary when you put 3 or 4 adiacent districts could solve the issue?

- Science district: I feel that they should be placed in a more carefull way, giving huge boosts if exploiting a science tile, istead now you are more rewarded if you just spam them for adiacency bonus (leading to the aforementioned issue).

- Clearer battle movements: sometimes they are not really clear, mainly because of terrain. Maybe it's just me, but I find difficult (expecially in deserts) to see where are unpassable cliffs and where I can go with my units. I had the same issue (few times) also not in combat, since I wasn't able to start a fight cause of a cliff I didn't see.

- Toggling reinforcements on and off: this seriously needs to be a feature, if I want to start a battle with an army of 6 against an army of 1, I want to be able to do things with my other armies nearby, now they are all forced in battle. This leads to potentially being pinned by a single unit if they hold a chokepoint (300 style).

- Influence over territories: again, maybe it's just me, but I still don't understand what I gain when I own influence over other territories. I didn't find it explained anywhere in tooltips, just a vague "economic gain" over the special ability of aesthete cultures.

- Mixing culture: I LOVE the cultural mix you achieve progressing through the eras, and I'm a bit torn on this point, but if you reach modern era with your first city you'll still have a pyramid in the city center? It feels somewhat anachronistic.. Maybe you can mantain the central theme of the tile, but adding something unique about the era you're in to the template? I don't know, medieval wall for medieval era, a railroad for modern, etc..

- Ransack: takes really too much time compared to what you can do in those turns, and to what you gain. Also, if you attack or are attacked, the unit stops to ransack, resetting the timer if you forget to start the ransack again. Maybe you can add a health pool Endless Legend style.

That's all for now, I'll gladly add something when I'll think more about it. I'm eager to hear what other players thinks of this, if it's just me or others thought of the same issues. :)

Keep up the good work devs, this game is gonna be amazing!!

PS: sorry for my bad English, it's not my native thongue and I probably did some mistakes along the road :/