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Problems with Displaying of Territories' Names

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3 years ago
May 3, 2021, 2:53:16 PM

Since Lucy OpenDev, display of territories' names has been greatly improved. Now passing trade routes as well as the name of territory are displayed, which is a very nice change. Still, one thing needs more improvement: territories where city centers are located. The name of the territory is neither displayed nor renamed after the name of the city. Let's see some screenshots:

Red: the name of territory, which is controlled by an administrative center

Green: the name city

This makes cession of cities in surrender terms a bit confusing. The very territories, which are controlled by city centers are not displayed in a reasonable way. Moreover, unlike resource a resource on trade tap in diplomacy screen, there is no magnifier button, which move our view to the very tile it is located. Thus I would like to suggest a few solution or workaround for this problem.

1) Upon founding a city, the territory where city center is placed, should be renamed the same name as the city. For example, in case of one of cities, Memphis, the territory which contain the city center should be renamed "Memphis".

2) Put an additional name of the territory above/below a name of the city. In reality, name of cities do not always mean that the region is called so. Thus it is also sensible. (Just like Manhattan and New York City in USA.) 

3) Attach a magnifier button, which can be found in trade tabs to the peace deals. Regarding this issue I have already posted something from Lucy OpenDev feedback. So I quote my own post here instead:

200mm wrote:

So, proper Surrender Terms should look like this.

Clicking the button should teleport my view to respective Territory, with the Territory outline highlighted with vivid colour. In this way, we would be able to quite easily identify which Territory is the one being dealt in Surrender Terms.

Updated 3 years ago.
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