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logo amplifiers simplified

Victor Open Dev's technical performance

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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 7:24:39 AM

In case it's helpful:

The game booted up reasonably quickly to the main menu (maybe 2-3 minutes). But first creating a game or loading a session took around 20+ minutes, plus a bit more to calm down once you start seeing the map and things on it. Once the save game is fully loaded, it works fairly smoothly. There are occasional hiccups and I crashed to desktop once, but not too bad.

I don't have a strong computer

Acer Aspire 7

Intel i5 - 7300HQ

GTX 1050M


... and would need to check whether it meets minimum system requirements. I suppose there will be more optimisation in the final programming phase.

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4 years ago
May 13, 2021, 3:41:47 AM

Thank you for posting this. It ran pretty smoothly on my machine but there were definite load pauses.

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