Fourth Test: Improvements to ERA Stars

After playing the fourth round of Humankind, we were delighted with the changes and progress that A made.

However, we also see that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the game, which we would like to comment on with regard to the acquisition of Era Stras.

(I am sorry for my poor English)

We must first clear improvements to the substance of thought, from a club for humankind design system in many ways we can see that a club hope to have the good linkage between each system, each system can help each other between, forming a whole, this can be from obtaining victory points, in the ERA of STRAS task clearly, So the main idea is to make the quest metrics of each Era Stras more flexible, to have more ways to complete the quest to acquire the Era Stras, and to make it more closely linked to the corresponding civilization type, so the rest of the comments will be around this idea.

First of all, we all know that in order to complete the Era Stras mission, the mission targets must be met, so what means can be used to obtain the targets?

Aesthetic quests can leverage civilized LT and EQ and infrastructure to gain influence.

Commercial quests can use civilized LT and EQ, military plunder, trade, diplomatic treaties, and wonders to earn gold

Agricultural quests can build up populations through LT and EQ that can take advantage of civilizations, the disbanding of military units, and the plundering and breeding of nomadic civilizations.

Expanding quests allow you to annex, capture and cede cities from other civilizations by building outposts and expanding their ability to do so.

Tech quests can use civilized LT and EQ, infrastructure to get tech values to unlock technology to achieve the number of indicators.

Builder quests, simply building buildings

Military missions. Kill units

In terms of mission metrics, we felt that it should give the player a variety of options to achieve the metrics without compromising the player's major direction decisions.

Therefore, we personally feel that the aesthetic, demographic, and commercial missions are all well designed. He calculates the total accumulation without affecting the overall development of the player, who has the freedom and flexibility to accumulate the total acquisition.

In contrast, construction tasks and military tasks, can be clearly found compared to other mission indicators. Their quest metrics are an act in themselves, so the form of completion is too monotonous and mechanical, forcing the player to perform actions that he is not suited to perform at this stage. (For example, if an industrial civilization wants to produce units but has to build buildings in order to complete the mission target, a military civilization does not have a ready-made target to complete its kill mission or cannot do it because of diplomatic relations, or because the two sides are in a stalemate and cannot achieve the kill, it can only repel, defeat.)

Therefore, we also recommend changing the builder quests to a fluid metric, such as productivity per turn, or changing the quests to total industrial capacity acquisition, as with other quests, in line with the builder's Civilization type abilities.

On military tasks, we have a relatively immature ideas, perhaps can change to the morale of the revenues in battle will store up this as indicator, this can also be in accordance with military civilization belligerent and strong in war, as long as you win the battle, not only can get the morale can also use the morale to complete the task indicators, at the same time, the task indicators, Other types of civilization are also capable of doing this. (PS:Of course, it's also a good idea to use military units or combat victories as indicators. even consider adding military pressure to diplomatic options, etc.)

Due to the particularity of the system and the variety of the means of completion, I think the expansion task and the scientific and technological task can be retained. At present, there is no special suggestion for improvement.

(PS: This is an extra section, which is an opinion about religion. Although existing religious mechanism looks good, the bonus to give players at the same time is also very significant, but in the process of play, we feel that he seems too cold, and not give players much operating space, the current operation is limited to the creation of religion, choose countries, selection principles, etc., we hope he keep a auxiliary role positioning, It is also expected to increase the player's options for its actions, such as directing its religious pressure and flow, similar to the trading point in P's Europa IV.)

The above is all the feedback of this article, thank you for watching, welcome to comment, finally wish HK better and better!