Hej there,

I've got a few points I havn't come arround giving yet.

1. When placing a harbour in a canal, the visuals got placed on both shores overlapping each other on the water.

2. There should be an option to see the different kind of saves in the mainscreen ("cloud only" ). When being ingame and changing the view to cloud only but havn't saved anything as a cloud save yet and then restart the game, the game only sees the cloud only safes (which are none) and thinks that there are no safe files. Then you have to start a new game so that you ingame can change the save settings back to unmark "cloud only" so you can reload your safes.

3. For me the cloud save was not working between devices

4. A battle didnt stop when I ended the war and vassalized the enemy. The thing is also, he can attack me in said battle, but i cant attack him in that battle, since technically he was my vassel.

5. In my one playthrough I couldnt load saves at some point(around turn 90) I had to go back a couple turns to find a save I could load. Continuing from there the game just crashes past 90, where the next turn didnt load. So I stopped that playthrough.
