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[Closed Beta] Bug report - vassals + war

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 7:39:04 AM

So the 2 bugs I'm posting here - 1 concerns 2 civs going to war - with vassals

Basically - a brief history - I vassalized the Huns early on , the Romans subjugated the Babylonians 
Rome declared War - i reached the medieval era - transitioned from greeks to byzantine , they transcended and remained romans.
A few defensive battles over some turns later , vassalized the romans - but somehow this broke the diplomacy with them , and i became the vassal of the babylonians, who also have the glitched diplomatic screen.

I reloaded a save to confirm, and it happened again

about 100-110 turns in 

Save files here
turn 105.ctr

turn 106.ctr

Turn 107 - the force surrender.ctr

Turn 108 - after vassalization.ctr

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 8:21:34 AM

Hello! Do you have a save of this by any chance? They are located in Documents > Humankind > Save Files. That would help us investigate! Particularly if you have some saves from a turn or two before.

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