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Can you please increase the font sizes?

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 3:22:50 PM

As someone who does not have the best vision - even with my glasses - I have to say these fonts are too small. I'm squinting a lot just reading even the introductory "Welcome to Humankind" or "Neolithic Goal" pop-ups when you start the game. On top of the font size, there is not enough spacing in between lines - it's very crunched. The font choice is also not the easiest to read - very thin.

Even words like "Map focus" or the numbers for the growth, knowledge and hunter stars are unreadable for me. It's like this grey on grey background and I can barely read what is there.

My UI is 100%, but I'd really like to be able to just crank it to 150%, or maybe 175%. And if not, I think these font sizes need to be 150-175% bigger for me to avoid squinting.

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 6:13:57 PM

I agree, many of the pop-ups have miniscule font that's very difficult to see. And, the font sizes are a bit all over the place. Some things (like the drop down that consistently obscures the battlefield) have unnecessarily large font causing the box they're in to block the view of the map.

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 10:59:58 PM

I'm not sure why this is a constant problem in video games. Games like Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny had the same problems. Civilization 6 fonts were horribly small too. Console games tend not to have big problems with this, and their expected audience is likely on a big tv too and yet they still make the fonts bigger.

I think this is pretty important. As I get older, I squint more and more and I'd really appreciate not having to do that. I want to play a game like this for long sessions, but with the fonts being as small and unreadable as they are, I probably won't be able to.

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 3:27:02 AM

Can you post a screnshot as to what parts of the UI are too small

There is a UI scaling option as well you shoudl look at.

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 5:45:42 AM
satoru wrote:

Can you post a screnshot as to what parts of the UI are too small

There is a UI scaling option as well you shoudl look at.

Sure. Also, I have the UI scaling option at 100% already - I had already mentioned that in my original post. It doesn't go any further.

Also notice that the options themselves are actually hard to read. The text "Interface size" is very hard to read for me. It's contrasts poorly and it needs to be bolder and much bigger.

Notice that this white, thin text below is very difficult to read. Not only is it tiny, it contrasts against the background very poorly:

This is an example where the contrast between text and background is better, but the font is still way too small, and there was a lot of room on the display to make it bigger:

Numbers in the main UI are very small and have poor contrast as well:

Why are these pop-ups so small as well? They can be 3-4x this size. Please look at all the space around the popup that you're not using. What's left over is way too tiny. Why does the player need to focus on everything else on the screen at the same time? Just make the pop-up the main focus here...

All the text on the empire screen is poorly contrasted, and is way too small. I can't read any of this comfortably:

These notices after I moved my unit onto a resource are also way too small... they could be much bigger, and centered on the screen. Again, if I'm trying to rid this notification, why do I need to see anyone else on the screen for? I can't read everything at once anyway. Lastly, the grey text color I outlined is also poorly contrasted against the background again as well:

Even the game menu is not taking advantage of the screen real estate well. There's so much wasted space here. You can use this space to make the buttons and text bigger:

The "exit to desktop" text is also too small. In fact, for this one you can even just remove all the paragraph text and keep the title. Don't make the player read obvious stuff like this - it's not good UI:

I really could go on and on with examples, but it's challenging to go further while squinting and not having the UI memorized or without knowing how to play the game yet.

Now, let's take a look at Genshin Impact - all the fonts are much more readable. Here are some examples at the same resolution:

Numbers are always nice and big. This is at 2560x1440

Dialog boxes are huge too:

I think Genshin is a great example of a game that has great fonts for people with poor vision. Notice the that they are not using sans-serif, which is actually more readable. The text is bolder as well, and it's just a lot bigger across the board. They implement a lot of scrollers for text if there's a lot there.

It's a shame these pasted images are not doing Genshin justice - the forum is not showing them all at their actual resolution :/ - you should download the game and you will see what I mean within minutes of playing it what I am talking about. I do not squint playing Genshin, and there are a lot of text and math-heavy screens. It should be a goal to add options to increase text size for all video games in 2021. Not everyone has 20/20 vision :/

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 7:07:44 AM

To this, I would like to add that unit icon transparency in battle mode is also a challenge. When it's my turn, the unit icons of my enemy become so transparent, I struggle to see them. I think it would be really helpful to a lot of people if the icons of units you are fighting against didn't turn transparent when it's your turn. The color of the icon is sufficient to let everyone know they're the enemy. They don't need to turn transparent to communicate this.

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 5:39:39 PM

Sadly, I put in for a refund request on steam, mostly because I don't think I will be able to play this game for dozens of hours squinting the entire time. If it turns out that this issue is fixed in the future, then I will repurchase it. It's really disappointing this game was not designed for someone like me who has 20/400 vision in one eye and I only have about 3% vision in the other - it's basically blind. If the font sizes were as big as genshin, I would have been able to play with my glasses, but as is it's just not comfortable to look at and play. My vision has just gotten worse and worse over the years and it's just really disappointing I can't increase the font size further to compensate.

Updated 3 years ago.
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