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The fact that you STILL need to unplug all of your peripherals to play is just bs.

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 5:45:04 PM

I've seen multiple posts, and also reported this issue myself during the first 2 open devs. It's been months since the first open devs and nothing has been changed for the closed beta.

Players are making negative reviews on the closed beta because of this issue, and it's really infuriating that its still not fix after 2 open devs. It's such a simple problem to fix and yet they are not doing anything about it. 

Thanks AMPLITUDE, I have to crawl behind and PC and unplug my racing wheels and joysticks just to play ur 4X game...Very thoughtful of you guys, since tons of players use their racing wheel to play Civ 6. But hey, at least developed Twitch drops integration with the game right?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 9:13:38 PM

Thanks for your post, I didn't understand why the map was moving alone, had to unplug my gamepad.

Please fix this Amplitude

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