I really enjoy the war support and territory influence mechanics except when I experienced this situation. This is where they completely broke the game.

So the situation is I just won a war against the Celts who are at the south of your spawn point for the Closed Beta map. I claimed 3 outposts surrounding his city as part of my surrender terms for him. I was happy to end the war quick with the Celts so I can move my troops somewhere else because I was also at war with the Hittites. About two turns after I ended my war with the Celts, they declare a surprise war again. But because the war had just ended, my war support was only "4/100". Then because the 3 outposts and one of my nearby city has influence from the Celts, I was going to get a -4 on my war support the next turn. My armies were out of position to get any more war support and there was nothing I could have done to prevent the Celts' influence on my newly claimed outposts since they were still converting. In just one turn's decision to declare a surprise war against me, the Celts found a way to undo my victory and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt cheated.

I feel this situation is wrong. I believe a mechanic should be introduced where players cannot declare war again after ending a war until maybe 10 turns after~. Or, there has to be a way to prevent a 1 turn war victory. Perhaps when a player declares a surprise war on you, your civ should gain at least a +15 war support to be able to react to it.

Players maybe can have the foresight not to take outposts after they win a war if they understand the war support and territory influence mechanics enough. But doing that seems unnecessarily strenuous and unfun. Players should enjoy the spoils of new territories from outposts after winning a war without thinking too much. If there is a counterattack happening, there needs to be time for the player to react. Undoing your victory in one turn is just not fun at all.