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Possible to re-bind "Next turn" to another action?

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 5:44:44 AM
I want to rebind it to another key. I was able to set it to "N" on CIV 6 and I've been playing CIV 6 for such a long time that it's ingrained in me to press N to end the turn. It's strange to now have to press Enter to skip turn. It would be nice if I was able to re-bind it to "N", as I did not find that option in the Keybind settings.
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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 6:02:34 AM

I ended up just setting a mouse macro button to do next turn.

But ya, I'd love for a feature to rebind the next turn. Putting it on spacebar would be awesome. 

I know they've made it the same for other games like Endless Space 2 where "enter" is next turn. But the "enter" key is just too far from your left or right hand normally that you have to let go of your mouse or WASD keys to press it lol. It can get tiring. 

I hope this is simple enough to add.
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