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Borders don't work (BUG?)

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 7:34:53 AM

The description of the state of peace between nations says that one cannot cross the boundaries of cities if there is no agreement to open borders (the boundaries of outposts are possible). This is how it worked in previous OpenDevs. In this Close Beta, this gives the impression that borders simply do not exist for armies - go wherever you want, regardless of your relationship, what decisions were made and the city there or outpost (recently, the army of another player, without declaring a war, without an agreement on the opening of borders, entered my territory, approached to the city and attacked the army that I was just starting to create)

UPD. I and other country were with Expansionist culture. Thanks for answers.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 12:17:49 PM

@Laedaa  Some cultures has a trait that allows them to do that. I can not remember off the top of my head which ones it is.

As You so correctly stated borders are only actual borders if there is a city in that territory, or if the outpost in that territory is attached to a city. Simply having an oputpost that is not attached to a city does not count it as within Your empires borders. 

However in Your case it sounds as if You have encountered one of the cultures that has that trait to be able to pass others borders. I hope that helps.

Edit: That was the name of culture trait I could not remember. Thanks to @Miouyeou's reply (below mine), it is Expansionist cultures that have the trait ot be able to pass through other empires borders. At least for now in this build. Like Miouyeou also stated, this is still Beta and anything can of course be subject for change before the game goes live.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 12:24:03 PM

Hi @Laedaa , is it possible that the AI who entered your borders chose an Expansionist culture? If you access the treaties overview in the diplomacy screen, empires with Expansionist affinities will have a red circle on the "Closed Borders" treaty. Hovering over it informs you about their affinity trait which makes trespassing possible without having to declare war. (note that this may be subject to change before launch)

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 1:38:23 PM

Thank, yes, I and this country were Expansionists. I don't know about this expansionist's ability (a thought they can only buy outposts). 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 5:07:27 PM

While this was not a bug, there does appear to be one related to this.

As a player without expansionist, I could cross their closed borders with ease, so long as I gave a final destination within neutral or my territory. If I clicked on their territory, it would pop up with a box saying that I would have to declare war to enter that territory, and thus could not trespass as intended. If the pathfinding system plotted the route through closed territory to somewhere not in their territory, I could trespass.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 5:11:12 PM

Actually, I think that is an intended mechanic @Aloriel , as the troops have a debuff while they're in enemy territory, causing them to take 10% max hp damage each turn.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 5:34:26 PM

I could avoid the debuff by making sure that they ended their turn outside the closed territory. In the game I experienced this, there was a mountain range blocking easy access to one of my territories. I could go way around, or I could pass through purple's territory briefly. Purple already hated me and I massively out-teched them, so I didn't care about the trespasses. I just made sure to move from my territory to my territory through theirs without a turn break. Problem solved. Diplomatic crisis ignored. ;)

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