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Holy sites and wonder placement

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 6:40:45 PM

One thing I found myself doing was dumping holy sites and wonders at the edge of my territories, essentially a dumping grounds where my districts would never reach, at least not for a while. This feels very strange, especially for wonder. If I build such a huge wonder, why is it off in the middle of nowhere? I feel like wonders should either be able to be placed on top of districts or have adjacency bonuses like other districts. The first would be quite easy, if the wonder is placed on top of a district perhaps it would permanently lock that district to whatever type it was, and the wonder absorbs the bonuses the district used to give. If the wonders themselves gave adjacency bonuses, that would require more rework as the actual outputs of the wonder would have to be taken out of their flat bonus and instead balanced based on adjacency bonuses. There are probably other ways to do this, I just thought it was weird that wonders and holy sites aren't like normal districts. In Endless Legend, the museum of Auriga and other "wonders" were just better boroughs and I feel Humankind should work similarly to this. Why would people build such an amazing wonder out in the boonies? Just like in real life, the Eiffel tower is in the middle of Paris, not out on the edge of France near Germany. People living in these cities would want to look at these wonders and should be near the other districts. 

Perhaps I have misunderstood a mechanic, but to me, It seems placing wonders and holy sites away from cities in the meta, which felt very weird to me. Maybe there is a system where people can loot them and destroy them or something, where placing them on the edge endangers them? 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 8:39:31 PM

I tend to put them in unproductive hexes. If a hex produces nothing, I probably don't want a district there anyway, as it wouldn't be optimal. That said, I agree with what you are saying. Wonders and Holy Sites need to give adjacency bonuses to encourage people to put them where they might have put a district.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 8:50:15 PM

I completely agree, I would like to see some kind of purpose behind wonder and holy site placement as well. As is, the best strategy is to put the maps most impressive buildings out of the way on crappy tiles.

The description for holy sites says pilgrims will flock to the location, so I put my first holy site in a nice tile near my capital but it didn't seem to have any affect on gameplay. My next games I've just put it far out of the way. ....those pilgrims are going to have one rough trip getting to that holy site on the  top of a hill surrounded by barren lands.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 9:50:08 PM
CristataC wrote:

I completely agree, I would like to see some kind of purpose behind wonder and holy site placement as well. As is, the best strategy is to put the maps most impressive buildings out of the way on crappy tiles.

The description for holy sites says pilgrims will flock to the location, so I put my first holy site in a nice tile near my capital but it didn't seem to have any affect on gameplay. My next games I've just put it far out of the way. ....those pilgrims are going to have one rough trip getting to that holy site on the  top of a hill surrounded by barren lands.

Lmao poor pilgrims.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 10:13:08 PM

Some of the wonders actually have adjacency. I know statue of zeus, statue of liberty do and Stonehenge doesn't. You can't build around them but their great for using a science tile anomaly early or getting full use of rivers (both food and industry without hamlet). It is definitely not clear which does which.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 10:49:47 PM
itcouldbeaboat wrote:

Some of the wonders actually have adjacency. I know statue of zeus, statue of liberty do and Stonehenge doesn't. You can't build around them but their great for using a science tile anomaly early or getting full use of rivers (both food and industry without hamlet). It is definitely not clear which does which.

Yea some do, maybe that's coming in the full game? I think they all should. 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 11:43:43 PM
Whisperer195 wrote:

Yea some do, maybe that's coming in the full game? I think they all should. 

I don't see how it can be anything other than intended. Thinking about it holy site are strong on their own and Stonehenge is one of the preferred wonders. I think they could exploit the resources they sit on because it wouldn't be an exceptional buff and would require the player to choose between having the holy site defensible, out of the way of city adjacency and building on science anomaly/river for resource exploitation. This might even encourage decision making in regards to which territory you put it in and make the decision less black and white.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:18:57 PM

Exactly the issue I have too with wonders and holy sites. I'm always looking for a hex that's unappealing to place a district on. Which is even harder because I don't really have a good grasp yet on what tiles are worth something and what tiles aren't.

It also usually means my wonders are far from my cities.

Updated 3 years ago.
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