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Battle Bug

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:30:10 AM

I previously had a decently large scale battle with another Empire. I had 4 armies, each with a stack of 4, and I believe my enemy had like 3 stacks of 5. Every so often during the battle I would exit the battle view during my enemies turn, do some city management, move my other armies closer in for reinforcements (as were my enemy) when the battle got stuck on the enemies turn and it wouldn't progress any further, it just said "waiting for opponent" or whatever it says when it's your enemies turn. So I was forced to surrender. I'm wondering if anyone's had this happen to them as well and if so, what did you do to resolve it?

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:34:21 AM
CanuckCody wrote:

I previously had a decently large scale battle with another Empire. I had 4 armies, each with a stack of 4, and I believe my enemy had like 3 stacks of 5. Every so often during the battle I would exit the battle view during my enemies turn, do some city management, move my other armies closer in for reinforcements (as were my enemy) when the battle got stuck on the enemies turn and it wouldn't progress any further, it just said "waiting for opponent" or whatever it says when it's your enemies turn. So I was forced to surrender. I'm wondering if anyone's had this happen to them as well and if so, what did you do to resolve it?

@CanuckCody Sometimes it helps to just exit the game to the start menu and load the latest auto save and go from there. Sometimes You will have to load a save form just before the battle started. Hopefully You will not get stuck again from that save.

Unfotunetly there is a risk that loading a save will not work in this beta build as well. Remember it is only a test version. Hopefully both of these issues will be trcaked down and fixed before release.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:37:19 AM
Lord_Funk wrote:
CanuckCody wrote:

I previously had a decently large scale battle with another Empire. I had 4 armies, each with a stack of 4, and I believe my enemy had like 3 stacks of 5. Every so often during the battle I would exit the battle view during my enemies turn, do some city management, move my other armies closer in for reinforcements (as were my enemy) when the battle got stuck on the enemies turn and it wouldn't progress any further, it just said "waiting for opponent" or whatever it says when it's your enemies turn. So I was forced to surrender. I'm wondering if anyone's had this happen to them as well and if so, what did you do to resolve it?

@CanuckCody Sometimes it helps to just exit the game to the start menu and load the latest auto save and go from there. Sometimes You will have to load a save form just before the battle started. Hopefully You will not get stuck again from that save.

Unfotunetly there is a risk that loading a save will not work in this beta build as well. Remember it is only a test version. Hopefully both of these issues will be trcaked down and fixed before release.

Yea that might've helped me lol. I screwed myself by giving them the high ground with lot's of mountain access so I couldn't just walk up it, I had to walk around and it was like 3-4 rounds to fully walk around

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:38:05 AM

@CanuckCody Oh and change in the game options to maybe let the game save 50 turns, as well as set it to save every turn, since then You will have saves to load from at least 50 of Your latest turns and not have to load a save from too much furter back.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:45:25 AM
Lord_Funk wrote:

@CanuckCody Oh and change in the game options to maybe let the game save 50 turns, as well as set it to save every turn, since then You will have saves to load from at least 50 of Your latest turns and not have to load a save from too much furter back.

I never looked into those settings thanks! If you wanted to help me figure this out too, since it's sort of on topic from above with my surrender...

Surrender terms were to give 400 gold, give Fawaris (an outpost I just created) and convert to their religion and after accepting the terms I went from 7239 gold to like -1386 some how? 

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:58:52 AM

@CanuckCody It does say 3 selected terms. That cost the AI 30 war scores. Give Fawaris, convert to their religion (adding up to only 20 war score) and give 2635 gold (not 400 like you wrote) in reparations. I can not see what the third term is (must be one that cost another 10 war scores). It must be higher up in the scroll menu of terms, so I am not sure what happened there.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:03:56 AM
Lord_Funk wrote:

@CanuckCody It does say 3 selected terms. That cost the AI 30 war scores. Give Fawaris, convert to their religion (adding up to only 20 war score) and give 2635 gold (not 400 like you wrote) in reparations. I can not see what the third term is (must be one that cost another 10 war scores). It must be higher up in the scroll menu of terms, so I am not sure what happened there.

Yea I made an actual post about it. I was to offer 400 gold (the 1 surrender term that's not shown), give them my outpost, and convert to their religion, and give them an extra 2,625 gold. Yet after the fact I lost like 8000+ gold instead.. lol

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