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Rhetoric after philosophy

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 8:10:33 AM

Hi guys !

First, I love your work, I love your games, I buy them even if I don't have the time to play it. Long life to Amplitude Studio !

As I worked a bit on it, I can assure you, that rhetoric was developed BEFORE philosophy in Greek history. Rhetoric is basically developed by sophists in Athens, called by Pericles. The most important one is Protagoras. Some of them invented important things, like Grammar, invented by Prodicos. Prodicos had a disciple, the famous Socrates, we all know. He was convicted and condemned to suicide in -399. One of his disciples: Plato. And Plato is the one who invented the word "Philosophy" to distinguish this noble activity from the sophists and the rhetoric. Rhetorics is the skill to convince, Philosophy the skill to look for the truth.

So, do whatever you want with this information, but Rhetorics were invented before philosophy so when I saw the contrary on the science tree, I needed to tell you :)

Good luck with everything!


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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 10:59:01 PM

While Plato coined the term Philosophy at that point in history, we can be greatly assured that people were doing what we call philosophy well before the invention of the term, or the classical Greek period, for that matter,

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 9:58:40 AM
EndlessFun wrote:

While Plato coined the term Philosophy at that point in history, we can be greatly assured that people were doing what we call philosophy well before the invention of the term, or the classical Greek period, for that matter,

Your point is made, but do rhetorics wouldn't be also be practiced before and in other places than classical Greek? This problem exists only if you separate rhetorics from philosophy... which is difficult to do until Plato does it, for both philosophical and political reasons. In one dialogue he explains that rhetorics can be useful in the training to be a good philosopher.

But it is only a detail, and I am still very happy the tech "rhetorics" exists in the game ;)

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